Request - Drabble Simon Lewis

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"Simon?" You stood in front of hotel Dumort and looked up.

The windows were closed, the building looked like it was breaking down. There was no proof that someone was actually living here. That was probably exactly what they wanted.

"Simon!" You yelled a little louder this time and you shivered.

The street around you was dark and empty. The vague reflection of the moonlight barely reached your shoes. If it had been up to you you would have come here during the day. But it was not up to you.

"I told you not to come after me." All of a sudden Simon stood in front of you and you felt your heart skipping a beat. "This is not a place for humans, okay? There are vampires here and who knows what else!" His voice was filled with panic and you couldn't help smiling a little.

"But you're still my Simon." You placed a hand on his cheek.

His cheek felt a little colder than usually. He was never blushing anymore and the glasses that had always rested on his nose were gone now. "No, I'm not. I'm a monster. I'm a bloodsucking, always hungry monster and I'm not even capable of staring at my girlfriend without my fangs growing." He shook his head, but his hand was resting on your shoulder and he didn't even seem to notice.

"That's bad luck for you, Mr. Lewis, because you're the one that I want and that's not all of a sudden gonna change because you're a vampire." You placed your other hand on his other cheek and leaned on the tips of your toes. "You think of yourself as a monster, but you've never been one and you'll never be one. I know that." You were whispering and Simon closed his eyes, leaning against the palm of your hand for a short moment.

"Once I'm not constantly longing to rip your throat out, I want nothing more than being with you. I've always loved you and I still love you, but I want to be sure I don't hurt you." He disappeared again as quickly as he had appeared and you sighed.

You would try again tomorrow. 

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