First Kiss (Frucien, Thalia, Malira, Sterek)

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Frucien (Freya Mikaelson & Lucien Castle, the Originals)

Freya leaned on the balcony of the Mikaelson mansion in New Orleans. The city was filled with dancing people and a thousand songs mingled in her ears.
"Enjoying the view, beautiful?" Lucien placed his hands next to her and he pressed his chest to her back.
"I was trying to be alone." She sighed, but she did turn around, her eyes meeting his. She liked how his eyes were filled with glimmer and little lights. Just like she liked the smile around his lips. Before she realized what she was doing, she leaned in to kiss him.
Much to her surprise he didn't push her away. He closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around her waist while he kissed her back. "I've always known that you and I could be a thing."

Thalia (Theo Raeken & Malia Tate, Teen Wolf)

"O, come on Malia. We both know that I'm not the bad guy in this story." Theo had a hand pressed against the wall next to Malia's head. "And we both know that you want to kiss me as much as I want to kiss you." He whispered and Malia tried to shake her head, even though it was almost impossible.
"You've made Liam kill Scott. You've split up Stiles and Scott." She placed her hands on his chest and pushed him away. "That sounds like a bad guy to me."
Theo fell on the floor, but he kept on smiling. "Did you know that loving bad guys is cool nowadays?" He winked and Malia started blushing.
"I have no idea what's cool or not cool." She walked towards him and she towered over him, when she all of a sudden felt how he grabbed her shirt and pulled her down, on top of him.
"If you don't want to kiss me, just run away." His eyes were staring straight into hers and he lifted up his head, slowly moving closer and closer until his lips touched hers.
She didn't run away. Much to her surprise she kissed him back.

Malira (Malia Tate & Kira Yukimura, Teen Wolf)

"Where are you going?"
Kira stood still and with a sigh she turned around. She could have known that Malia wouldn't let her go this easily. She could have known that Malia wouldn't understand why she was doing what she was doing.
"Scott needs you. We all need you." Malia walked closer towards Kira and she cocked her head a little.
Kira knew that she should turn around and walk away, but she couldn't. She couldn't stop staring straight into Malia's beautiful eyes. She couldn't turn her back on that one person who had always believed in her.
"I need you." Malia placed her hands on Kira's cheeks and closed her eyes while she leaned in.
Turning around was not an option anymore. Kira closed her eyes too and she smiled when their lips touched for the very first time. "I need you too."

Sterek (Stiles Stilinski & Derek Hale, Teen Wolf)

"Stop looking at me like that!" Derek hissed between his sharp teeth and he curled up his fingers while he tensed his muscles. All the staring made him nervous. More nervous than he had ever been. And a lot more nervous than he liked.
"Like what? I'm not looking at you like something. I'm just looking at you, because I'm looking at you." Stiles shrugged his shoulders and he scratched the back of his neck.
"Look somewhere else." Derek bent his head and he avoided Stiles' glance. He didn't like the uncomfortable feeling in his chest at all.
"I can't and I can tell you that I've tried, but every time I stare at you, I can only think of..." Stiles stopped in the middle of his sentence.
"Of what?" Derek crossed his arms over his chest, but Stiles walked towards him and wrapped his arms around Derek's neck.
"Of this." Stiles leaned on the tips of his toes and he pressed his lips on Derek's.
And much to Derek's own surprise, Derek kissed him back.

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