Request - Drabble Alec Lightwood

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"Alec, I can't do this..." You shook your head and you stared at his hands holding yours. You had never met a guy like him. You had never seen someone with such beautiful eyes. You had never dated someone this passionate and loyal.

"I promise. It's all I ask of you." He rubbed your knuckles and he smiled a little. It was not the happy smile he was smiling when Magnus was anywhere near. It was also not the relieved smile he was smiling when his siblings returned home safely after a mission.

"You're asking a lot, actually..." You let his hands go and you licked your lips. "You're asking me to pretend to be your girlfriend while we both know that there is never anything gonna happen between us." You cocked your head. "You're asking me to tell the entire world that I'm taken, while we both know that I'm not." You took a deep breath. "And what's next? You and I having to marry to convince your parents that you're a normal functional human being?" You sighed and stepped back until your back reached the wall.

"It's only for tonight." He stood still and didn't try to walk towards you. "I'll tell them in a few weeks that things between us didn't work out and that we've broken up."

"You won't and we both know that." You crossed your arms over your chest. "You're too loyal and your parents wouldn't believe that you would break up with me. And then they would wonder why I broke up with you and then you would come up with some kind of bad reason to ask me to be your date at the next official thing in Idris again."

Alec didn't answer, but he just bent his head and he stared at his feet. "I can't tell them what I really want and feel." He shook his head when he looked up again and you sighed, licking your lips.

"You can. You're their son and if they don't love you for who you are, they don't deserve you. You're too good for them and you don't need me to prove it. You only need you."

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