John Murphy "Bad dreams"

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"John..." You spoke softly, not wanting to wake anyone else. It was already bad enough that you were awake, but it was almost impossible to sleep when Murphy was turning around covered in sweat. "John, wake up..." You placed your hand on his naked chest.

"What? What's wrong?" With one smooth movement Murphy sat up in his bed and he stared at you with wide open eyes. "Is everything okay?" He cocked his head a little and you couldn't help grinning even though it was far from funny.

"I actually wanted to ask you." You sighed and you sat up too. "You were clearly having a bad dream. Again." You stared straight into his eyes, at least you tried, but Murphy avoided your glance. "What are you dreaming about?"

"Nothing..." He laid down again and turned his face towards the wall. "Sea monsters." He put his hands under his head and he closed his eyes.

You didn't believe a word of what he was saying.

He was not dreaming about sea monsters, he had seen things that were far worse than some legend about a snake like thing living in the lake near by. He had seen death, violence and who knew what else. Even though sea monsters had sounded scary when the two of you had still been living on the ark. They actually didn't sound that scary at all anymore.

"John?" You placed a hand on his naked shoulder, but he didn't turn his face towards you. "I know that you don't like to talk about what happened in Polis, but I hope it's not because you don't trust me." You whispered and your hand started rubbing his back.

"I said I'm fine!" While he turned around he pushed your hand away. "I was having a bad dream. That happens to everyone, right?" He raised his eyebrows a little and you licked your lips.

Of course you knew that it happened to everybody. You had all seen things you weren't ready to see ever since the day you had landed on this place called earth. "You have never had bad dreams before. They've started since you came back from Polis." You paused for a short moment and avoided his glance. "Everyone has bad dreams, but you're having them about something that happened in Polis."

Murphy shook his head and he swallowed a few times. "I don't want to talk about it. Not now. Not tomorrow. Never." He grabbed both your wrists and he pressed a kiss on your lips. "Stop asking about it." He kissed you again and you kissed back.

"I won't ask again, I promise." You placed your hands on his chest and smiled at him. "But if you ever change your mind, know that I'll listen." You let your hand go through his hair. It were not just his nightmares that worried you. You were worried about the glimmer in his eyes that had disappeared and you were worried about the way he touched you. Carefully. Almost as if you could break easily. 

Whatever had happened to him in Polis had not just been giving him bad dreams. It had broken something in him and you hoped that you would be able to restore it.

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