Request - Drabble Damon Salvatore

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"Nope. We're not doing this, Y/N. Just not." Damon crossed his arms, looking down at you, a determined look on his face.
"I hate wolves and you know that."

You just shrugged.
"Seeing that Matt just efficiently threw you out of Mystic Falls means we have to find a new home, and I think it's just as good as anywhere else. Or did you want to pay Klaus a visit and move to New Orleans?"

He rolled his eyes.
"There are plenty of towns that are not New Orleands or Beacon Hills. Don't you know I've heard the stories of what's going on there? Supernatural news travels fast, Y/N."

You chuckled.
"Really? The big, bad vampire Damon Salvatore is afraid to move to a certain town because he heard too many horror stories? I'm disappointed, Damon... You had trouble sleeping after hearing them?" Ok... that probably was a mean trick of you.

"Really? That's how you're going to play it? Well... this big bad vampire has had a few too many experiences with werewolves that didn't end too well. You can't blame me for being careful..." Damon was right in that, you knew that. He had been bitten a few times too often to just glance over it, but you just wanted this.

"It's where my family comes from, ok? I know people there... if I have to start over again, I'd like to do it there... I'll protect you from the big bad bad wolf...", you laughed.

He knew when he was defeated the moment you threw in you family ties.
"Fine. We'll try it. But as soon as one of those mongrels so much as nips in my direction, we're out. I heard Chicago is nice in this time of the year. Better keep those wolves in check then, because I know you hate it up there."

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