Request - Drabble Jasper Jordan (Sequel)

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Jasper stared at you for a short moment. He knew that you weren't you. He knew that he couldn't blame you for all the things you said. He knew that you were just trying to hurt him.

The bad thing was that it was working. You were hurting him. You were hurting him because you were saying things he had thought a thousand times himself.

He was nothing but a waste of breath and he wasn't sure if he loved you as much as he had loved Maya. He had tried to. He had wanted to.

You were an amazing person, you had lovely eyes and you were always kind and friendly towards him. Apart from right now. Right now you were trying to break him.

"What's the problem, Jasper?" You cocked your head and you were smiling that smirk he started to hate more and more with every second that passed. "Did I just say something that hurt you?" You smiled a little brighter and you pushed yourself up. "How could I do that? How could I even dare to say something that could hurt the sensitive and sad Jasper Jordan?" You rolled your eyes. "He's in so much pain. Everyone has to walk on egg shells around him. One little push and he might break and we don't want that, do we?"

Jasper took a deep breath. He felt his muscles tensing and he felt the anger spreading itself through his entire body. "SHUT UP!" He stood up from his chair and he walked towards you. "Shut up or I'll make you!" Tears were rolling down his cheeks, but he didn't mind. "Bellamy?" He turned his face to the door and took a few deep breaths. "Please, take over my watch. Now." He waited until Bellamy stepped inside. "Before I do something stupid." He walked away from you and ran out of the room as fast as he could. 

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