Request - Drabble Kai Parker

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You put away the phone you were holding and stared at the young boy standing in the rain without an umbrella.

"Sorry, you were the only one I could call." Kai's clothes were soaked and he bent his head, staring at his feet. He hid his hands in the pockets of his jacket and a few raindrops were rolling down his forehead.

"It's okay. I'll get you home." You opened your umbrella and held it above his head. Your side was almost touching his and even though he was shivering, you could feel the heat of his body reaching you.

"That's the problem." He looked up at you again with those big eyes filled with water. "I don't have a home anymore." He shook his head. "I killed my entire family and I'm sure the Mystic Falls gang doesn't like me very much." He smiled a half smile, but it was clear that everything had effected him more than he wanted to show you.

"I can imagine that killing your entire family doesn't exactly grand you a place to sleep." You felt your cheeks heating up and you linked your arm with his, surprising him for a moment.

"I never even cared about my family." Kai's lips formed a straight line and he swallowed a few times while you felt his muscles tensing. "I never cared about anyone." He paused for a short moment, but he stood still and he turned himself towards you. "Till there was you." He stared straight into your eyes and you held your breath for a short moment.

"Is this you admitting that you are in love with me? Or are you just trying to convince me to take you home so you have a place to sleep tonight?" You smiled a little and you stepped a little closer towards him.

"Would you be okay with a little bit of both?" The smile around his lips widened and you shook your head while you smiled back at him.

"I think I am, yes." 

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