Request - Drabble Liam Dunbar

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Liam was breathing heavily. His body was covered in blood, but he held up his thumb and he smiled. "I'm fine!" He didn't look fine. He looked far from fine. He looked like he needed a hospital. He needed a hospital right now.

"No, you're not. I'm gonna call Scott's mom." You grabbed your phone and wanted to dial her number, when you felt his hand grabbing your wrist. "Liam! Don't move! You might have broken something!"

"Actually, I'm pretty sure I broke something." Liam smiled again and he cocked his head a little while you frowned your eyebrows. "But trust me. Everything will be healed within a few minutes. It's no big deal. This happens to me all the time!" He raised his voice and you put the phone away again.

"Liam, if this would be happening all the time, you would be dead." You sighed and you stared at the boy that had stolen your heart. "You just jumped in front of a car to push me aside. You could have died!"

Liam shrugged his shoulders and he moaned softly. He had probably broken a few ribs. "You could have died too." He grabbed your shoulders and he clearly held himself up by holding on to you. "Look, there is a lot about me I haven't told you yet." He swallowed and he bent his head a little. "One of those things is that I'd give my life for you." He paused for a short moment to let that sink in. "Another one of those things is that I'm a werewolf."

You held your breath and shook your head. "Liam, I know that most people hate the hospital, but if you come up with a lie to make sure I don't call Melissa, you'd better make sure it's a good one."

"No! It's not a lie! I'm a werewolf and Scott is too!" Liam raised his voice. "I can prove it!" He moved a little closer towards you. "Do you see this wound over here?" He pointed at a small cut in his arm. "Watch it closely." He spoke softly and you did what he asked.

Your eyes widened and you dropped your jaw. "Okay, this is weird. This is officially weird."

Liam grinned and shrugged his shoulders again. "Told you so."

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