Request - Alec Lightwood "Too young to marry"

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"What do you think you're doing?" Alec slammed the door behind him while he stared at your reflection in the mirror.

You were wearing a beautiful white dress and your hair was curling around your reddened cheeks. "I'm saving the honor of our family, Alec." You turned around and you held your breath a little. It wasn't that you were afraid of what was about to happen and come. It was more that you were a little uneasy. You had never even been to a wedding before and now you were already getting married yourself.

"That's not your job." He shook his head and he placed his strong hands on your shoulders. "You're sixteen! You're supposed to enjoy life. You should meet handsome boys and young men. You should discover who you are and who you want to be." He bent down a little, but you still had to look up at him.

"Were you going to be the one to get married then?" You crossed your arms over your chest. It had been years ago that you had heard for the very first time that Alec didn't like girls. Izzy had told you one night, when you had been afraid of a thunderstorm and had run to her room to find some shelter and comfort. "At least I actually like the guy I'm going to marry. There would be no way you would ever be happy when marrying a girl."

Alec closed his eyes and for a short moment he bent his head and stared at his feet. "You're only sixteen. You barely know the man you're going to marry. I understand that you want to do what's best for our family. But you should also do what's best for you." Alec squeezed your shoulders and he pressed a kiss on your forehead. "I know for sure that marrying someone when you're sixteen is never a good thing."

You sighed and you licked your lips. You knew that he was right. You were not marrying out of love and there was a huge chance that something would go wrong in the upcoming years. You would fall in love with someone you couldn't get anymore. You would have to make sure you and your husband would get a family.

"Our parents will understand it when you don't want to do it. They will find another solution." Alec smiled a little smile, but you didn't give in and shook your head.

"We both know that there are only two other solutions." You spoke softly. "And it involves either you or Izzy being unhappy. You because you would have to marry a girl even though you don't even like girls. Izzy because she would have to end her thing with Meliorn to marry someone she doesn't even want." You paused for a moment and you swallowed. "One of us is going to be unhappy and I would be okay with it being me. I don't have boyfriends I'll miss when I get married and I'm heterosexual, so I'll have a chance to be happy."

"No..." Alec shook his head again and he stared straight into your eyes. "I won't let it happen. Never." He straightened his back and he stared at you in the beautiful white dress. "You look too beautiful to marry less than you can get." He caressed your cheek with the back of his hand.

"I don't want to make you or Izzy unhappy." Tears started rolling down your cheeks and you felt Alec's strong arms around your body, pressing you tightly to his chest.

"We won't. None of us is getting married. I promise that we'll find another way to restore our family honor." His hand went through your hair and for a moment you just cried. "And now take off the dress while I'll call of the wedding."

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