Matt Donovan "Lean on me"

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"Matt..." You sighed and rolled your eyes while Matt kept on walking.

He was leaning on a stick and in his other hand he was carrying a picnic basket.

You had told him over and over that he didn't need to carry anything and you had added that he didn't even have to throw that picnic in the first place. You were perfectly fine having lunch together in the living room while watching a sports game.

"We're almost there!" He looked over his shoulder and he smiled a bright smile. It was long ago that he had smiled like that. Being away from Mystic Falls clearly increased his mood.

"Come on, let me carry that basket." You took a few quick steps and took the basket from him before he could protest again. "You can take care of yourself while I take care of the food." You winked and Matt shook his head, putting his hand in the pocket of his jeans.

"You really don't need to help me all the time, okay?" Matt turned his face towards you and he stood still when the two of you reached a small clearing. "I've found this place and wanted to take you here. I can carry that basket." He nodded at you, but you didn't even notice.

Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped and you stared at the beautiful place in front of you. The grass was reaching your ankles and you could smell the fresh flowers that were coloring the spot. You saw the sun reflecting in the small stream that split the field in half and carefully you put the basket down.

"Do you like it?" Matt whispered and he placed his stick on the ground. His hands squeezed your shoulders for a moment and he rested his head against your neck. He already knew the answer, but he probably wanted to hear it from you.

"I love it..." You turned around to press a soft kiss on Matt's lips. "How did you find this place?"

He could barely walk, but it seemed that despite being far away from Mystic Falls, he couldn't shake his need for danger and adventure. "I asked a few friends if they knew a place for a romantic date." He cocked his head and he wrapped his arms around your shoulders. "They told me about this one and after I'd checked it out I knew I had to take you here." He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and you smiled.

"It's perfect, Matt." You leaned on the tips of your toes and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. "It's just...Aren't you tired after walking all the way here?" You spoke softly, but Matt shook his head.

"No, I'm not tired at all." He leaned in to kiss you again and for a short moment you closed your eyes. "And when I get tired on the way back, I'll just lean on you." He interrupted the kiss for a short moment and you smiled before you wrapped your arms around his neck to pull him closer towards you again.

"You can always lean on me, Matt. Always."

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