Request - Drabble Stiles Stilinski and Derek Hale

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While your hands were going through his hair, his lips were kissing yours. Your back was pressed against the wall and you could feel his chest touching yours. You had no idea how long the two of you were standing here already.

"(Y/N)? Derek?"

You quickly placed your hands on Derek's shoulders and pushed him away. "Stiles..." You didn't need a mirror to know that your lips were red and swollen. "I thought you were coming home late tonight?" Your eyes searched for the clock and you noticed that it already was late.

It was a lot later than you had expected it to be.

"So, this is what you were keeping from me? This is why you wanted to know exactly when I would come home?" Stiles crossed his arms over his chest. "What the hell are you even seeing in him?" He stared at Derek, but Derek leaned casually against the wall while he rolled his eyes.

"She's the one dating me, not you." He shrugged his shoulders and Stiles walked towards him, his hands in his sides.

"I don't know what you're trying to do here. I don't want to know what your plans are with my sister, but you're staying away from her, do you hear me?" He raised his voice and his nose was barely a few inches away from Derek's neck.

"It's her life. Don't you think she can decide herself who she dates? I don't have a hidden agenda. I happen to like her." Derek stared at you and you sighed.

"See? And this is why I kept this whole thing hidden for you. I know you don't like Derek and I knew you would start screaming and yelling. But I'm not gonna let you ruin what I have with Derek." You took a deep breath and grabbed Derek's hand to pull him away. "You can start talking to me again when you've accepted that I'm dating Derek."

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