Request - Liam Dunbar and Stiles Stilinski "Victoria's secret"

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"What the hell is that in front of your door?" Stiles stepped into the house and pointed at the expensive car that was parked in front of the house. "That's not your birthday present, isn't it?" He raised his eyebrows and the jealousy was already visible in his eyes.

Liam scratched the back of his neck. Of course it was his birthday present. He had to admit that he had not expected you to really give the car he had asked for, but he was not going to protest against it either. "Yeah, it was on top of my wish list. My sister bought it for me." He felt his cheeks heating up and he sighed when he stared at the monster he would be driving to school from this day on. Although, he wasn't sure if he would dare to park this car on the parking lot of Beacon Hills High School.

"Seriously? Your sister gave you that for your birthday? How the hell does she pay for that?" Stiles shook his head and he raised his eyebrows. "My father doesn't even earn enough money to give me a car half the price of this one!" He was almost screaming right now, but Liam's cheeks were only turning redder and redder.

He had never really told the others about you and what you did for a living. A part of him had been afraid that the pack wouldn't believe him, while another part of him was afraid that they would laugh. "Well, actually she can pay for that..." He cleared his throat. He himself was kinda proud. He knew that you had done a lot to get where you were right now and he also knew that you had given up a lot of things too.

"Wow, that's impressive..." Stiles widened his eyes and he stared at Liam, but Liam didn't say anything. "So, are you gonna tell me what your sister is doing to be able to get you birthday presents like this?" He nodded at the huge car again and Liam licked his lips, shifting his weight from one leg to the other.

"Promise me that you don't laugh, okay?" Liam stared at Stiles for a moment, but Stiles quickly nodded. "My sister is a Victoria's Secret Model." He bent his head and stared at his own feet.

"Are you serious right now?" Stiles cocked his head a little and he crossed his arms over his chest. Of course he didn't believe it right away. No one ever did. The rest of the pack for sure wouldn't either.

"Yes, I am." Liam nodded and he walked towards a wall in the hall decorated with family pictures. "See, this is me with my sister." He pointed at the large frame in the middle and Stiles swallowed for a moment, clearly impressed by your beauty. "And this is a picture from her latest shoot." He pointed at another frame and now Stiles was clearly holding his breath. "And yes, she's still single, in case you were going to ask that." Liam winked and this time it was Stiles' turn to feel his cheek turning red.

"I wasn't going to ask that!" Stiles defended himself and shook his head, but Liam knew better. Everyone who saw you on pictures for the first time wondered if you were single or not.

"I was only teasing you." Liam smiled and he opened the door towards the living room. "But she's here, so you can talk to her yourself, if you want."

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