Lucien Castle "Helping Hand"

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You knew that it was no reason to cry. You knew it, but that didn't mean that the tears weren't rolling down your cheeks. Of course there would be some kind of hidden entrance without stairs somewhere, but you didn't have the energy to find it and as usual there were no signs pointing towards it.

"What's wrong, young lady?" A handsome young man stood still next to your wheelchair, he cocked his head a little, but he seemed to try not to look down on you, like most people did.

"The stairs leading towards the entrance of this building." You nodded at the few stairs in front of you, leading to a giant wooden door. People had told you that not everything in this town would be accessible, but you had not counted on the town hall being one of those buildings.

The man chuckled a little, but when he saw your wet cheeks he took a deep breath. "I could give you a hand, if you want?" He smiled a little but you rolled your eyes.

It was very kind of him, really, but just like most people in this world, you didn't really like being carried by total strangers. And for sure not when the problem was a stair consisting of three steps leading to one of the most important buildings in this entire town.

"It's very kind of you to offer, but I think I'm gonna find the barrier free entrance. Somewhere. Hidden behind a few bushes or so." You rolled your eyes and you placed your hands on your wheels, ready to turn around.

"Would you mind me keeping you company?" The young man asked and you frowned your eyebrows for a short moment. "I understand I'm a total stranger, but I would love to have a civil discussion about this issue with whoever is responsible for the design of this building." He nodded at you and you smiled a little.

"O, don't worry. I can totally do that myself. I'm in a wheelchair, but my brain and mouth function pretty damn great." You giggled and the man in front of you held out his hand.

"I've noticed. I'm Lucien Castle. And if you don't appreciate my company to solve this unnecessary obstacle, would you at least be so lovely to have dinner with me some time soon?" He waited until you placed your hand in his and his firm grasp surprised you a little. Normally people treated you like some porcelain doll.

"I'm (Y/N) and are you sure you want to have dinner with me? I'm certain that the best restaurants in town have some fancy stairs or so." You rolled your eyes and bent your head a little, but surprisingly enough, Lucien kneeled down on one knee and placed his hand under your chin to lift your head back up.

"If that great restaurant is not designed for someone as amazing as you, it's not great. I promise that before you come back out of that town hall, I'll have found a restaurant that will be perfect for our little date." He stood up again and you smiled.

"Deal, I'll be out in thirty minutes, I think." A part of you was afraid that he wouldn't be there anymore in thirty minutes, but you pushed that part away as quickly as possible.

"Don't worry, love, I'll be there. I promise." Lucien nodded while you turned around and started your search around the building to find the right way to get in without needing help from handsome strangers. 

2016 May CollectionWhere stories live. Discover now