Request - Drabble Kol Mikaelson

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You weren't sure if you were sad or relieved. Maybe it was a little bit of both. You had survived the first year of college. You had made it through the year without too much damage and now you would go home for the summer break.

"When are you leaving?" Kol leaned against the doorpost. He had his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk playing around his lips.

Some of your classmates were convinced that you and Kol were dating, but you weren't sure yet. The two of you had hung out together, you had even kissed, but he had not officially asked you to be his girlfriend and you knew how things worked on the campus.

"And more important, when are you coming back?" He walked towards you and he wrapped his arms around your waist, while his lips started kissing your neck. "You do know that I meant this thing between us, do you?"

You shook your head and you licked your lips. "I hoped it, but I wasn't sure, no." You whispered and you carefully wrapped your arms around his neck while your lips searched for his.

"Darling, I know I don't use that many words, but do you really think I'd come back to you this often if I didn't take us seriously?" Kol tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and you smiled a little smile.

"I'm a first year student on a campus. I don't know how things work here sometimes. I know that some people like being friends with benefits." You felt your cheeks heating up.

"O, I love friends with benefits, but I would hate it to share you with another guy." He cocked his head and his nose brushed yours. "Why don't you stay with me?" He stared straight into your eyes and you felt your heart skipping a few beats. "We could spend some time on the beach, could get to know each other and who knows, maybe we can become a real and official thing?"

For a short moment you were trembling and shaking, but a smile was spreading across your face before you could even answer. "I'd love to."

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