Request - Drabble Theo Raeken

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Your back was resting against the wall. His hands were holding yours and you felt his breath against your nose. "What are you gonna do to me?" You were trembling, shaking.

There was a fifty percent chance that he was going to kiss you and there was a fifty percent chance he was going to kill you. "I don't know yet." Theo cocked his head and his nose brushed yours. Maybe there was seventy-five percent of a chance that he was going to kiss you and only twenty-five percent of a chance that he was going to kill you. "What do you want me to do?" He smiled a little smile and he tucked a stand of hair behind your ear.

"I would like you to kiss me." You whispered and Theo laughed out loud.

"Kiss you? You only want me to kiss you?" He leaned in and he pressed his lips on yours. His hand slowly let your hands go and he pressed his body to yours. His tongue was gently touching your closed mouth and you opened your lips to let him in.

"Maybe I want you to do some other things too..." You threw your arms around his neck and you wrapped your leg around his waist. "If you kill me, at least kill me with love." Your lips moved to his ear, to his neck and Theo moaned a little before he lifted you up and threw you on his bed.

He pressed his knees to your hips and once again he grabbed your wrists and pinned them next to your head. "Killing you with love should work out." He smiled and he pressed his lips on your mouth and then in your neck. "There are worse things I could do..." He let your hands go and one of his hands went under your shirt, slowly moving up, while the other slipped under your back.

"If this is your idea of doing worse. I want you to do your worst." You grabbed his shirt and pulled him closer towards you.

"Whatever you wish, princess."

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