Request - Drabble John Murphy

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"What the hell was that, Murphy?" You had your hands in your sides and you shifted your weight from one leg to the other. You had no idea what had happened between Murphy and Bellamy, but you had actually thought Murphy had bettered his life.

"Come on! I was just teasing him a little!" Murphy rolled his eyes and he shook his head. "Everyone knows I'm a bad guy. Once in a while I need to do bad things. But hey, there are worse things I could do." Murphy shrugged his shoulders. "I could ban him from the own safe place we know. Or I could hang him because of false assumptions."

You sighed and you walked towards him, placing your hands on his shoulders. "John..." You rarely used his first name, because you knew he didn't really like it, but right now you felt the need to do so anyway. "I know that you can do worse things, but everything is still so fragile." You cocked your head a little and you grabbed his hands, moving a little towards him. "If anyone says one wrong thing, everything here can explode. I like the peace we're having now and I'd love to enjoy it for a little while longer."

Murphy squeezed your hands and he rolled his eyes, before he pressed his forehead to yours. "Are you begging me to become one of the good guys?" He smiled a half smile and his nose brushed yours. "I thought you had a thing for bad guys? If I become a good guy, who says you'll still like me the same way you do now?" He closed his eyes and he pressed his lips on yours.

"Well, there are a lot of different ways to be a bad guy, right?" You let his hands go and wrapped your arms around his neck. "What would you think about only being a bad guy when you're with me?" You smiled and you kissed him again.

"I'm not a nice person and I'll never be." Murphy's arms slid around your waist and he pressed you a little tighter to his chest. "But fine, I'll keep my bad attitude for you and only you." He paused for a moment to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "For a while at least."

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