Chapter 4

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A picture of Vera :)



What am I doing? 

Sin sat in his car, after Cas had left, instantly regretting his decision. This was the whole purpose of taking her out so he could get laid. Get in, get out. That's how it always was. How it was supposed to be. As soon as she rebuffed him he knew taking her to the nicest restaurant in town would be a win. But at the end of the night why couldn't he ask himself in when they got to her house? How could his motives have changed so quickly?

What had changed in a matter of one evening?

His knuckles turned white as he clenched the steering wheel so tightly thinking of all the better possible outcomes of the evening than the one he was presently in. As soon as he got back to the mansion, Wayne met him at the door. 

"She's fucking crazy right now dude, don't go in there."

Sin ignored his advice and stepped into the library where everyone gathered around Vera. Cain, Xander, Rex and even Seth, the last group member stood together in a heated discussion. Everyone appeared flustered, no doubt trying to keep Vera calm. 

Her cold green eyes burned into Sin's as soon as he walked in, her face was upturned like it almost always was. 

"You fucking piece of shit." Her words snaking out, as she simultaneously dragged on a cigarette. 

Sin looked around at his brothers, obviously needing context for why she had spat at him. Somehow Sin was always the blockade between her and his brothers, he withstood the insults, the hate as best he could.

"She's not actually angry with's with...." Rex's voice cut off. 

"'I'm fucking pissed at him." She retorted, finishing her cigarette and putting it out. 

Everyone groaned in unison. Vera was a bitch, but all of them had to follow her orders, as their father had instructed. 

Everyone also knew that Vera had been in love once. 

And because of this love she had given her heart away...literally. This man had cheated on Vera. And no Wrath could compare to her Envy for this woman. She was broken. 

Now, she had to find her heart. But her ex had been so callous that he turned the heart hunt into a game. A game that has been going on for a decade. Sin briefly recalled the times before when she had been less angry, less agitated. He missed those times, as they all did. 

Almost every week each of the brothers found clues, like with the key, and followed trails, an almost mundane chore now. They sometimes followed clues for months and ended up where they had started. This man named Dante was a genius at his game, always bringing the brothers hope for a moment, before it was crushed with false leads. The importance of finding her heart was not just for Vera, but for the whole group. She was the glue that bonded them together. 

Vera had received a message from one of Dante's followers, it read,  We need to meet.

The brothers had agreed they would all go together, mostly for support because Vera didn't need their protection. They just hoped it wouldn't end in pointless bloodshed. 

"Are you going to go?" Sin questioned, knowing that whatever her choice would be she would inevitably be heartbroken again by seeing his face. 

Vera's expression flattened, as she lit another cigarette between her lips taking a long drag before answering his question.


"Then it's settled." 

Sin inwardly sighed, he didn't want to be part of this anymore. He knew his place, he knew his bonds. But that didn't keep him from dreaming of a new freedom. Doing what HE wanted to do.

As he entered his bedroom a heaviness overtook him, he recollected the night that took place. He remembered Cas' smile, and her laugh. His mind flicked to the moment she let out that soft moan. His body tensed. 

To only have her moan my name...

He smirked, for some unearthly reason he just had to have her. Perhaps it was part of the chase, once she was in his bed, he would relinquish these strange feelings building inside. He needed her flesh, that's all he needed, to move on from her once and for all. Next time for sure he would make his move.
Hopefully he wouldn't chicken out again at the next opportunity, it was so unlike him to be nervous.

He grabbed his phone, typing away.

Please forgive the way we parted, may I see you again?

He fell against his bed, the sleepiness overtaking him, and as he drifted off to sleep he hoped that she wouldn't refuse him....again. 


Sin awoke to loud banging beneath him. The sun drifted in, dancing along the floor and bouncing off every part of his room. 

He slowly blinked and rubbed his eyes, wondering what was causing the commotion downstairs although he had a pretty good idea of what it might be. 

As he walked downstairs he heard her screaming,"FUCK, FUCKITY, FUCK FUCK!" Vera was yet again angry, throwing anything she could get her hands on. "For Christsake Vera WHAT'S WRONG?" Cain yelled as he came out from his room. He balled his fists up, "I'm FUCKING tired!" he groaned. 
Sin walked in, but not before he saw Vera wipe away a couple tears. No one saw her vulnerability, at least that's what she thought. 
"What's wrong?" Sin spoke softly, realizing he was stepping on thin ice at this point. 

"That whore is getting married, to him." She narrowed her eyes, Sin could picture the things that Vera was probably thinking about doing to that woman in her head. Sin knew they wouldn't be meeting now, unless Dante wanted to be emasculated. Suddenly her mood shifted, a familiar smirk appeared on her face, and Sin could tell she was plotting. 

"What?" Sin noticed Vera had locked onto him, and she retorted, "I need you to help me."

Sin nodded, not like he could say no.

"I need you to go with that whore today, maybe.....cause an accident? Take Cain with you too, he could be useful in the situation."

"Where to?"  Sin asked, not really wanting to follow some random woman around this morning, but Vera was the boss, and whether he wanted to or not, he knew he couldn't disobey her, even if their victim's life would end. 

"A wedding planning shop." 

Sin's eyes grew wide, remembering the certain beauty who failed to reply to his text from last night. Who he also remembered... was a wedding planner. 

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