Chapter 17

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Lust wanted nothing more than to stay in the morning's sunshine snuggling his bedhead crazy girlfriend but he had to return to his brothers and plan his strategy. He grinned at Cassidy's sleeping face while leaning down he kissed her forehead before heading out.

He wondered if she could really handle his secrets, it was a burden that he alone had dealt with for a long time. He knew his brothers would accept her but it would be like bringing a lamb into a wolf's den. His life was singed with regret, and his family had many enemies. Lust hoped after they finished Dante that they could live with some sense of peace, and he could be normal for once.
Live a normal life with Cassidy by his side, that thought alone warmed his heart.

Cassidy accepted him, or at least he hoped she had after the night they had spent together. He recalled their first time meeting chuckling to himself, the rejection had led to affection and now it was love. And he would do everything in his power to keep her safe, and try his hardest to be the man she wanted.

He pulled into the old mansion's  driveway, noting all of his brothers were already present. He had texted everyone telling them of the lead he found, and that they needed to devise a plan.
Lust walked in, a grimace plastered on Envy's face, with the rest of his brothers looking grim as well.
"Bastard..." Envy breathed out in a threatening tone. Lust's lips pursed into a hard line, his hands immediately balling up. She was constantly accusatory, as if every little thing he did was a mistake.

"I know about your little girlfriend."

"Yeah, and?" Lust countered boldly. He watched her eyes turn to slits and she stood up walking down to him from the stairs.

"You're going to break it off with that slut, that's wh."

But her last word was cut off by the sound of a slap against her cheek, Envy held her face in pure shock.

"You won't tell me what to do anymore Envy. I'm finding this lead so I can end this. End you. You and your endless torture over us. We are siblings, not your slaves. And Cassidy is no such thing, don't you ever insult her in front of me.." Her eyes grew wider with every word he said, the look of shock planted on her face was enough to satisfy Lust.

His brothers looked shocked, no one had ever spoken to her like that let alone slapped her.
"Whatever, she will only get hurt if you keep her around. And on that day I will rejoice in your suffering," she said flatly, her words snaked out full of hate.

He bit his lip in frustration, trying to move past the fact his sister would not hesitate to kill Cas, and he would protect her if it came to that. But he found somewhere inside him the courage to be brave...for her. He spoke boldly, as if the previous comment had never existed and told them about the lead, "I found one of Dante's followers and have tracked him to this location,' he said pointing to his phone's map. The area was around 1000 ft in each direction meaning it was possible that Dante had taken over a large warehouse space.

"Have you seen security detail yet?" Wrath questioned, his eyes shifting to his brother who had the power not only to see through objects, but to cast foreseeing spells too.

Pride stood, hearing his cue he grabbed a vial from his pocket wasting no time in casting the spell. The brothers hovered around, watching as Pride muttered incantations while pouring some of the vial's contents on the floor. He pricked his hand, allowing some of his blood to pool in his hand and with that, wrote the number coordinates from Lust's phone on the floor.

The mixture fumed, creating a smoke like cloud that filled the floor as if they were at a concert. Then the smoke circled around one spot, slowly at first then speeding up. There were faint colors that started to appear that formed shapes, and finally a full image was revealed.
With certain spells casted, there was always a weakness. Pride's foreseeing spell could never pinpoint the exact coordinates, but would provide scenery and landmark detail in that general area.

Lust had been correct in assuming they were in a warehouse, in the smoke's image there was a huge building with large concrete walls, with various construction supplies scattered around.
"Can we see the inside?" Lust asked, knowing full well these scenes tended to rotate around but weren't necessarily controllable. 

Pride nodded, "I can try, it looks like the outside isn't maned heavily," he pointed to the corner of the building where only five or so men stood. Hopefully it would stay that way.

"Yeah but who knows about the inside, not like it'll matter. I'll kill them all.." Wrath argued, but he was grinning, "I can't wait...." his eyes glazed over as if he was reminiscing about a violent past.

Envy had remained quiet, pulling on the cigarette wedged into her mouth choosing to listen rather than speak unnecessarily.

Pride muttered a few more words, but his spell wouldn't allow an inside view. "There could be a boundary spell set up from the inside," he explained, watching Lust turn to concentrate on their infiltration.

Lust tried to think which brother would be most beneficial in respect to their strategy. Wrath had the brute force to break through anything or anyone, Pride had his eyes, Greed was able to evaporate objects and superficial things by touch, and Gluttony was able to shape-shift.
Sloth was able to - on occasion - control the brain of a simple minded human, although, not for very long. Lust himself could instigate flames, although tended to restrain that power unless absolutely necessary.
Finally Envy's powers stretched far beyond the brothers, not only did she have their hearts which made her physically stronger but she had strength, speed, knowledge, and the power to strangle enemies with one look alone.

Lust shivered remembering one night she had joined Wrath and himself and as they encountered an enemy, all it took was one of her glances and his head popped like a balloon.

That alone made the brothers weary of getting on Envy's bad side, but the fact she could destroy their hearts in one look too, and continued to hold onto to them meant they had no free will to even try to disobey her. Except for Lust, he had somehow time and time again challenged his sister, even if that meant his demise. And she could see that she no longer could scare him into submission, and that only angered her more. He looked to her, standing coldly watching the sunset, her green eyes clouded with darkness.

"Envy we need you." Lust urged, knowing full well they wouldn't succeed without her. She looked over, still brimming with distrust and hatred for him, she nodded her head in agreement.

"Okay let's do this - does everyone know their role?"

Wrath would be the main soldier, while Greed and Pride could keep a look out and get through any obstacles. He, Sloth, and Gluttony would remain as security detail as Envy would be tracking her heart.
They all dipped their heads in response, knowing what hung in the balance if they should fail. The plan seemed simple, break through the guards, find Envy's heart, get out.

But they were fooling their selves if they thought they could get away clean, they knew bloodshed was inevitable. Wrath was the only one who didn't mind though, bloodlust was building inside him the moment their house was set on fire.

Lust just needed to do one more thing before they headed out.

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