Chapter 5

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Here is a picture of the back of the wedding studio :)


Cas had thought about replying to Sin's text message, honestly she did. But as always in her life, work had its way of taking over everything. 

She had a busy day of organizing, typing, calling as well as having two appointments. Her second one of the day was a new client named Hailey Wells. She was a bright, young girl who was marrying an equally young, rich man. She had called and said it would just be her, which Cas didn't mind, the less cluttered the studio was the easier the appointment would be. Sometimes the bride's guests would just interfere and the bride would feel uncomfortable deciding.

Cas had just finished organizing floral books when she heard the bell ring, alerting her that Ms. Wells had arrived. Hailey stepped in, dressed in a short, green V-neck romper, and wedges. Her long blonde hair nearly touched her elbows. Cas envied her height and beauty, this girl could be a model. 

Her warm smile made Cas feel her genuine happiness to be here. "What's first? I literally just got engaged." Hailey piped, seemimng to be quite naive about weddings and planning. Cas didn't mind though, it was like starting with a blank canvas. 

Cas reciprocated the warm smile, "Well, lets talk about themes, which go along with the location, have you thought about location yet?" 

"A beach," Hailey spoke, her thoughtful expression amused Cas. 

"Beautiful! What about colors? Depending on the season you can mix it up, but for beaches many clients choose bright pastel colors." Cas gave her imput, watching Hailey think over her suggestion.

"I like turquoise, and light purple?" Her statement sounded more like a question but Cas grabbed her color swatch book and opened to the pages of varying turquoises and purples. 

She spent extra time with Hailey, although couldn't help the feeling of something being off. She ignored the weird sensation and glanced over at the clock on the wall. "Lets take a break, shall we?" They had already decided on a retro theme, and they were through picking flowers, cake toppers, decor table props, and were half way through table arrangements. All picked within an hour of the appointment, not to shabby for a first-timer.

She suddenly shot up from her seat, her expression blank.
"I'm sorry I'm not feeling well, I need to go."

"What's wrong?" Cas asked inquisitively.

"I just..I need to go." She mumbled, hurriedly getting up and exiting the studio. 

I hope she's okay, Cas thought as she cleaned up some of Hailey's settled selections. Just as she was busy in her thoughts Cas' own phone buzzed. 


It was Sin.

I need to see you again....please

Cas desperately wanted to let this guy go. He rejected her, at least she thought so when he didn't want to come in to her apartment. He had apologized, but she still felt a little hurt. There was something with him though, he was dark and mysterious with the weight of the world look in his eyes.

She also ached for the touch a man.

To be needed.


Her heart raced like a galloping horse as she typed her response, Sure, I'll be done soon, pick me up at work? I'll send the address.

She just couldn't say no.

A smiled spread on her face. Maybe this time around, something would happen, and if he didn't make a move, she would.

She cleaned up the studio, and said her goodbyes to Stacey, and her other coworker JoAnne before exiting the store. 

And there he stood.

He leaned against the car like he was Johnny Depp in Cry Baby. He donned a leather jacket and a white T, his ripped jeans added to the Lust that was building inside of Cas. 

As soon as their eyes met she felt on fire. He was too good looking for his own good. Did he understand how powerful one look had? One touch? One word?
He probably knew. He was the type of man that had woman falling at his feet.
Cas wondered just how much control Sin could have over her. She shook her head to clear her thoughts, as she climbed into the car next to him.

"How was your day beautiful? Oh, and I'm sorry for the last time we parted again. I was....caught up in a lot of shit. It was a rough day."

Cas nodded, forgiving him seemed easy. "It was good, I met with a client today named Hailey Wells. She was so cute! I helped her pick out a lot today, she's so new to the environment I feel like a mother bird taking a chick under her wing." Sin's eyes darted, and she noticed his hands tighten on the wheel. 

"So where are we going?" She changed topics quickly, not sure why her last statement made him tense up.

"We're headed to the park, for dinner."

"They have a restaurant there?"

"They do tonight," he pointed to his backseat, which looked like an ensemble of takeout and a blanket; a perfect little picnic. 

Cas heart fluttered at the romantic gesture. She didn't think a player would do romance. She hoped tonight was the night she could see what lay under that white T. 

They reached the park, Sin laying out the blanket and placing a box of takeout rice and chicken in front of Cas. The park was quiet as they talked about life, dreams, everything Cas expected as personal information that should be irrelevant to a man like Sin. But he seemed genuinely interested in her asking questions, engaging in conversation. She decided to keep things light, not wanting him to take anything too seriously. 

"How old where you when you had your first kiss?" She asked coyly, playing with a blade of grass.

"13," Sin smiled, "You?"

"16." Cas stated matter-of-factly. She lost her virginity then too, but she didn't want to add that bit of information in.

Sin looked at her, I mean really looked at her. He was staring so blantantly Cas' face heated up like gasoline added to fire. She felt his hand trace circles on her hand that wound her up that she thought she would be able to come right then and there. 

She leaned into his touch, letting him understand her want. She really wanted him. 

His fingertips ran up her her her face. 

She turned her face so she was inches away from Sin's. Her breathing hitched, as his lips inched closer.

This was it. 

His soft lips captured Cas' so intimately, she almost forgot they were still in a public place, and she couldn't jump onto his lap. He deepened the kiss almost immediately, moving around her mouth so deftly, she could honestly say he was the best kisser she'd ever had. Her skin felt hot, and her core was aching for more. Her hands found their way to Sin's incredibly soft hair, her hands running freely, pulling him in. 

His beard tickled her cheeks, but the feeling made her wonder what it would feel like...down there....

Oh god...

She groaned into his mouth, his restraint now evident still due to their public location. 

He lifted his mouth from hers, trying to recapture his breath as he rested his forehead on hers. 

"Want to take this somewhere else?"

"I want nothing else." Cas said breathlessly, trying to rein herself back.
Finally...she was going to have sex with Sin.

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