Chapter 19

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Sorry for such a long break! I appreciate all the feedback though so keep on showing me love!! And I'll keep trying my best to not take 84 years writing.


The call had ended but Lust's heart was still with Cas as his family drove to their enemy's hideout. He knew that by the time they had gotten there Dante would already have a security detail out to stop them.

Do or die time.

He hoped on his side it wouldn't be the latter.

The car edged near the warehouse, the crowd of men now evident as they pulled to a stop.
Lust's eyes narrowed in the middle of the group where a larger man stood-he immediately knew that it was Dante.

His brothers exited the car, Envy following them as they walked towards their enemy. The earth almost seem to vibrate around them, preparing itself for the battle that was about to take place.
All sound sucked into oblivion, the only sensation left was the growing dark aura surrounding them. Lust's eyes darted between each of Dante's men, until they landed on his ice cold ones. He stood 4 feet clear above his men, with broad shoulders and dark features. His hands seemed almost big enough to hold two heads in each palm. The hard line that formed his jaw stretched into his cheekbones, his whole face sharp and pointed.

The heavy-set eyes peered into each of the Seven, trying to predict each one's death by his own hands. He smirked, almost too certain of his own success as he nodded his head for his crew to begin the attack. Two men flanked on Lust's left while four began forward on their right. The remaining men stood in front of Dante for protection.

Lust launched at the first two men approaching, his fists bawled up landing right in their jaws. One man fell back flat on his back, the other remained planted however blood starting running down his mouth. His bloodied mouth twitched up into a smirk, and sparks suddenly lit up the darkness. His hand was the catalyst, a charger, and his pulse was electricity that was shooting out from his fingertips.
His fingers acted quickly, reaching for flesh, the closest being Lust's.

Lust's reflexes moved quickly, however upon dodging one hand, the man's other hand came down on his ankle.
The electric current ran up Lust's whole body sending charges rampant and his body convulsed.
Lust clutched himself, waiting for the waves of pain to end. His brother Gluttony charged in defense, shifting into a bear-like creature that tore through the other men surrounding Lust. Gluttonys teeth clamped on the man's arm attached to Lust. Blood poured from the punctured holes and the man's scream of pain echoed into the distance. Gluttony shook the arm, tossing the body with it. His bear jaws threw the man a clear 20 feet, and the body rolled to a stop.

More of Dante's men charged, however Lust was still recouping his strength. His brothers Pride and Greed came to aid just as some of the men who were knocked down by Gluttony returned to their feet. Dante maintained his stance behind his men, eyes fixated on Envy's. She smirked, three men encroaching on her. Her body stiffened, and her eyes rolled side to side her concentration evident now as the ground began shaking.

The men looked to the ground around them, cracking, the Earth opened revealing rippling metal pipes. Envy's telekinesis powers controlled the pipes to grab all three of the men by their feet.
Like entrapped in vines the men were tangled, and unable to escape Envy's grasp. The pipes curled, it's metallic snake tendrils throwing their bodies to the ground over and over until blood poured from their ears.
The next batch of men came charging attacking the other brothers first. Lust finally was able to stand, and although his vision blurry, focused on the dark man still lurking in the background.

He wanted to restrain his fire, but the hatred boiled to the brim as his flame burst from his hands. Lust was shrouded in fire as he formed balls in his hands, preparing to throw them. His aim was to get Dante alone, and from there Envy and himself would take him down. The other brothers would just have to keep everyone else distracted. Dante's eyes turned to slits as he dodged the first fireball. The burnt grass underneath him sizzled its peace as he flicked his hand over the earth. Retaliating, he pulled a giant chunk of concrete from the building behind him and flung it in the direction of Lust's head.
Lust's face narrowly escaped the rock missile, yet conjured a way to trap Dante within the warehouse itself.

Gradually his flames grew, and grew even though his magic was verging of the edge of uncontrollable. The red flames formed a giant wave, growing higher every minute with energy. Lust's wave was immense, overpowering, as his brothers stopped for a moment. The fire burned the grasses around Lust as it set off a rampant trail, leading into the nearby wood. Lust gritted his teeth against the heat, it's crushing weight making him realize why he always kept his fire in check.

By this time Dante had retreated into the concrete prison. Right where Lust had wanted him. He looked over, noticing his brothers were almost finished with the attackers, and nodded for Envy to follow his lead.
She narrowed her eyes towards the building, now surrounded in fire, knowing full well her heart was a prisoner in there too.
Lust pushed himself, edging the wave closer and closer to the building until it bulldozed past it's cement walls. Melting everything in its wake, Lust knew it still wouldn't be enough to defeat him but if Dante was immobile it would give Envy the chance she needed.

His wave of pure lava flowed into the warehouse erasing any option of escape, however Dante stood in the center of the building looking like nothing could phase him. Envy locked onto his eyes, soon to change his disposition. Raising her hands she brought the metallic tendrils up from the ground again which began snaking their way to trap Dante's body. The coils embedded themselves around Dante's feet, however he pulled them right up with mere strength.

Envy growled in frustration as she used her power again to restrain his limbs down, slowly but surely securing him. Lust could feel the pain of his fire creeping into his veins, the strength it took to hold the immense wave was bearing too much. He gritted his teeth, briefly thinking back to the one thing that he needed to do this for. The one thing that mattered. Cas.

With a renewed strength his wave released. It's flames enveloping Dante's body with lighting quickness and securing him within an additional firey prison.
"Quickly!" Envy shouted, motioning to the vault tucked away behind Dante.

Before Lust could react a rumbling began. The deep sound of what seemed like laughter erupted from Dante's mouth. Angry Envy tightened one of the blood vessels in Dante's brain to silence him. Through the pain his condescending voice broke through.

"You think you'll ever get your revenge?" His question stopped Envy in her tracks.

But she would play his game, it would be his last one anyway.

"Of course I will. After years of torture you think that I wouldn't bring it back tenfold?"

"Either way, when I get out I will make this game end. I will kill you and your brothers for what you did." His tone was full of pain, but he still remained cocky.
"What makes you so sure of your success?"

He almost laughed again, but kept his words sickeningly short and sweet.

"Because if you kill me, you'll be killing yourself."

At that same moment, the brothers finally had opened the vault behind them revealing a big empty nothing. The vault held nothing.

"And you'll never guess where to find it either," he spoke evily.

Envy almost combusted with anger, unable to process what he had said. So Wrath interjected, "What do you mean? Where is the damn thing you bastard!"

"It's in here," he pointed to his chest.

"Your heart, is inside of mine."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 03, 2017 ⏰

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