Chapter 13

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"Hailey Wells," Cas pushed out of gritted teeth, almost on the edge of beating the truth out of him.

"Who?" Lust again so innocently piped, seeming like he had no clue what she was getting at.
"That client I met the day we went to the picnic. Did you know her?" Cas angrily spat, she was growing more irritated by the minute sensing that he was avoiding the subject.

He sighed, bringing his hands to his temples slowly rubbing away his thoughts. Cas could barely hear his words, "I don't want you to thin,-" he was cut off by Cas slamming her hand down on the counter rattling her plate.

Tears outlined her eyes as she stared right at him, "What did you do??" She shook with animosity, shooting daggers at him with her eyes.
Part of her didn't even want to hear what he had to say, she was even tempted to call the cops right then and there.
"I..I-need to explain.." he pleaded, standing up and edging close to her. She backed away at every step, grabbing the counter as he wedged her into the corner.
"You better talk real fast before I call the police," her threat sounding weaker than she had intended.

"Look, Cassidy,' he started, almost choking on tears himself, 'I can't lose you. I...I have helped my brothers with atrocities all my life and I was okay with it. Now...,' he stepped closer to Cas carefully, 'now I can't bear to think of harming others. I don't want to hurt anyone, especially not you."

He rambled on quickly, "Cain cast a spell on her, from there I.....We were just following orders," scanning Cassidy's tear streaked face for acceptance.

" an indirect killed her?" Her shaky voice broke the heavy atmosphere.
"This is why I shouldn't have....t-..this is what I was afraid of." Lust brushed his hair back, his hands visibly shaking.

Cas chewed her lip nervously, unmoving and deep in thought.
Lust gazed in her direction, a look of guilt washed over his face. He spoke again, "I can't control myself Cassidy. None of us can."

Cas glared, a new vein of anger coarsed through her, "Everyone has a choice! You have a choice not to kill! That innocent life you've taken....she didn't - couldn't - chose!" She yelled, ending her last words with emphasis.
She bawled her fists up from preventing one from flying into Lust's disgustingly handsome face.

He hung his head, barely audible with the TV still on, on the verge on tears he broke down.
He shoved his hands into his face, hiding his eyes from her gaze.

"She has all of our hearts. Just as her lover has hers. We had once followed our sister as our leader commanded by our father from respect. But then she took our free will. Our freedom is locked, and none of us have a choice to disobey her. If we do,' he paused, regaining himself and looking at Cas, 'she will destroy us."

Her eyes grew wide like saucers, a sudden look of pity on her face she tentatively stepped towards him. "I....I'm sorry," she squeaked out. 

Lust regained his composure, facing Cassidy he started, "There is one person alive who can end this. End this torture, and end this tyranny of my sister's."

"Who?" Cas asked curiously. 

"Dante, my sister's ex-lover."

Cassidy looked worried, but Lust knew he could face him, he would just need some back up. 


Lust walked into the make-shift rental home that had been his residence since the fire in the mansion. His brothers had scattered in different places but they all remained in contact. 

Lust was preparing for a fight, not that he wanted to, but he knew negotiations with Dante would not end without one. His plan was to ask his brothers - even Gluttony - to help him get Envy's heart back. But finding him was no small task, he would have to ask for help from someone who he loathed; his own ex. Who happened to know tracking spells.

He tensed as the phone clicked and the ringing toll echoed in his ears.
"Well well well.....what do I have the pleasure." The smooth milky voice answered, an audible sound of a moan almost came out of her lips.
"Business." Lust curtly responded, not wanting her to get off track.
"But baby, it's been so long," the voice snaked out, emphasis added to the word baby.
Lust bit his tongue, angered by her dismissive words.
"Look I'm calling because I need your help, nothing else."

She paused, Lust hoping she would accept the offer without any...conditions.
"I'll do it. What do you need?"
Lust exhaled loudly, glad his proposal was accepted. His ex, Aria, was unlike his family but still had natural magic in her blood. Her abilities would be essential in finding Dante.

"I need to find him."

"That won't be easy hotstuff, I barely know his current location."

"Anything is fine, please." Lust spoke strongly avoiding sounding desperate. He would not stoop to beg his ex.

"I'll help as long as we can arrange a meeting. I miss your face," sweetly said and Lust could picture her smug face.

"Fine. I'm free now, but let's not make this a big deal. Meet in between the buildings on Frey and Wilks St."

"You're no fun." Ending the conversation between them, Lust sighed, rubbing his bridge between his fingers. He hoped to the gods this would go as smoothly as possible.

He left the seclusion of his home after the call to go meet with Aria. The last time they saw each other had been almost seven years ago.

He checked his watch on the dot as he leaned against the building of their meeting space, she would make him wait, as she always did. Precisely fifteen minutes past before he saw a black Chevy SUV pull up to the curb, revealing a slim part of legs exiting the car.
Her red stilettos clicked on the pavement turning Lust's gaze to meet the cool grey eyes of Aria.
"Darling," she mocked, kissing his cheek briefly.
Lust reflexed against her affection, wanting to keep the meeting brief.
"What do you need to do this?" Lust questioned, he knew in the past her abilities would need a certain item to enact her magic.

She smiled seductively, placing one hand on her hip the other on his shoulder. Lust immediately felt the rush of anxiousness as her actions displayed her true intent.

"I need you." She leaned into his ear, whispering so disgustingly intimate he shivered.

What was he going to do??

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