Chapter 7

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Cassidy McBryor was not a whore.

At least, she didn't think she was.

She couldn't believe Sin had left her right mid-almost-sex if that was even a thing.

She had offered dinner, but she was thinking of just canceling it at this point. Two dates with him and there still wasn't any one-night-stands happening.

What was wrong with her?

No. Something was wrong with him. She thought she had been obvious with her presumptuous words and forward behavior. She had given him a blow job for Christ's sake. Sure, he had to go, but something seemed off, like he wanted to leave her.

She realized in brief thought that maybe he wanted more from her than just a one night stand and he was just running away from his own feelings.
But that just wasn't on her to-do list. (Well, HE was, but not a relationship.) Besides that would be some idiotic teenage fantasy.
After a brief ephipany Cassidy decided that although Sin was devilishly handsome and filled her with indescribable Lust, that he was no longer an option. She could tell the more dates they would go on, it would lead to feelings. And no way was Cassidy McBryor going to get attached.

She tried to push him out of her mind and settle herself in her work for the day.
Almost half way through the day Cas managed to organized all of the table setting plates as well as the silverware, mats and table skirts.
Her coworker JoAnne came from her office to inspect Cas' work.
"I never thought I'd see the back table clear in my life," she chuckled, looking at Cas' hard work.
"Thanks JoAnne," leaving out the part that she was trying to do anything to keep herself busy instead of thinking about Sin.
"Did you hear about the big fire across town?" JoAnne piped, sipping her coffee while sitting down at the break table.

Cassidy arched an eyebrow while grabbing her lunch.
JoAnne continued, "It was some big old mansion from the 70s, no one was injured but the authorities couldn't figure out how the fire was started, it's a mystery. The house seemed abandoned."

Cassidy's mind flicked back to the car, and remembered how Sin seemed worried while talking on the phone. She wondered if there was any correlation.

"Cas?" JoAnne looked at her with curiosity, "You okay? Do you know anything about it?"

Cas shook her head quickly, nibbling on her turkey sandwich.

"You seem off today." JoAnne spoke quite forwardly, "Oh, and don't forget we got invited to that bridal shower by our client Abbey, it's at six tonight."

Cas gave her friend a smile, "Sorry, I know I've been off today. Maybe this bridal shower can help me take my mind off things."
"Care to talk about it?" JoAnne asked, giving Cas a sympathetic glance.

Cas shook her head, "I think I just need some fun." Mostly to keep herself from thinking of the steamy car session with a certain frustrating man, but JoAnne didn't need to know all the details.

JoAnne laughed, "I agree, at first I thought it was strange that a client had wanted us to go, but hey, she said the more the merrier. And I can't say no to free wine," adding the last part for emphasis, JoAnne finished her lunch and went back into her office.


Yes. Just what Cassidy needed to get her mind off of Sin.


Cas glanced down at the invitation, noting she had arrived almost fifteen minutes early.
She glanced around noticing JoAnne's blue Chevy was not in the driveway yet. Should she just wait in the car?

Cassidy was such an awkward person sometimes. She had brought the wedding invitations Abbey had reordered as her "gift", considering she didn't know what else to bring to a client she-didn't-know's bridal shower.

She knocked softly, with only seconds later a bright, bubbly older woman opened the door.
"Cassidy McBryor from Big Dream Weddings." Cas stated quickly.

"Oh honey..." The lady cooed, her body edging in to scoop up Cas into a big hug.
"Thank you so much for all your help with my daughters big day. You really are the best."
Cas remembered this lady's bear hugs, and remembered how picky she had been about her daughter's choices as if she was getting married.

The house was fairly big, Cas stood in the foyer with a grand staircase leading to the second level.
The space was open and airy and Cas could smell gouda cheese baking as well as daffodil and lavender flowers wafting in from the back garden.
Abbey Loraine soon-to-be-Ryans was the name in bold pink letters on the large sash the engaged client wore. Abbey came over from the couch to welcome Cas in.
Cas was trapped in another bear hug, just like her mother's.

"Thanks for coming, oh and JoAnne,"
Cas glanced behind her seeing JoAnne had arrived early as well. Perhaps that was the wedding planner way.

"No problem Abbey, I know your wedding will be absolutely enviable." JoAnne added as she sashshayed her way over to the table of wine.
She walked back over to Cas handing her her own glass.

"Thanks," Cas giggled as she sat down with Abbey. The other ladies arrived while Cas made polite conversation with her hostess.
Cas was on her third glass as the guests finished playing bridal bingo. She lost horribly because she didn't know all the personal details of the wedding party or Abbey's life, but she didn't mind. Her head was floating on a cloud and she was enjoying the other ladies company.

JoAnne winked at her all too knowingly, she was probably floating on a cloud too. Abbey had opened her gifts, and thanked Cas for the redone invitations although it was part of Cas' job to get things right.

After all the formalities of the shower were over Cas was really ready to head home to snuggle her cat and watch the finale of American Horror Story. This season had Lady Gaga in it, and she made a pretty awesome vampire, Cas couldn't wait to see how it ended.

She hugged JoAnne and Abbey goodbye as she piled into her Volkswagen beetle. She was only buzzed, but she wanted to wait a few minutes before she drove home. Cas pulled out her phone, immediately texting the one person she was hoping to forget. Her buzzed mind was sabotaging her plans.

Hey, I forgot to text earlier, but I had some things come up.

Moments later her phone buzzed, Sin was calling her.

"Hel--" Cas hicupped, mentally chastising herself because now it did seem like she actually was drunk.

"Cassidy? Are you okay? Have you been drinking?"
Cas felt like a little girl being reprimanded for stealing a cookie after being told no.

"No." She half giggled, she wanted to be the free and fun Cassidy. Not wanting to be so serious she added, "I'd love to have a drink with you though."


All day she had been trying to forget this man but now she had just offered to grab drinks.

Mental face palm.

"I'm game. I'll meet you at the Kessler Bar in fifteen minutes, you good to drive?"

"Yes, and...okay," she replied before cutting off the line.

Part of her hated that she had just signed on for another date. Another part of her heated up with excitement to be able to see his face. He was just not going to escape her so it seems.

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