Chapter 11 (Mature)

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Sin had not predicted that Cassidy's curiosity of wanting to know his life would come so soon, but perhaps it was finally time.
He had hoped he could bypass another night - without having to ruin something so perfect - by letting her in to know the true mythical being that he was.

Hiding from his true self had never mattered with other women. It would be a passionate night and he would never see them again.
This time though, Cassidy was not budging, and could tell they were on the edge of danger now.
So close to that unthinkable thing he so long thought of as hell.
But he felt it, and he could sense it in Cassidy too and they were denying themselves the inevitable.
They had far surpassed any territory Sin was accustomed to with women.

He was now swimming in uncharted waters and the thought both excited and terrified him. He mostly just wanted to make sure Cassidy was safe. In this hell hole of a town, he hoped that his brothers and sister's actions would not encroach on Cassidy's safety.
But if he claimed her, how could she not be involved in his life of danger?

A torment of emotions flooded Sin as her golden eyes burned into his. Her expression bore of curiosity, excitement and lastly he could tell there was a speck of fear.
The last thing he wanted was for her to be afraid. Afraid of his true nature, his bonds to his family, and of the man he once was.

He half chuckled to himself imagining the life he had once lived. Alone. Empty. Meaningless.
He couldn't believe the woman sitting patiently in front of him changed his entire perspective in a short matter of time.

He was going to try to be man he once cursed; caring...loving.

Part of him felt the pang of even wanting something more, but he knew it still could be too early to tell.
Finally Sin mustered enough courage to begin his story, keeping a lock on her face to see her reaction.

She may not even believe his story.

"Please don't think I'm lying to you. What I'm about to say is true, keep your mind open."

Cassidy nodded quietly.

Sin began, "My mother's name was Eve, and my father's name was Fate..
When the world was first created my mother had left Adam and had found my father.
Then a mutual transaction took place; they had decided on creating seven children. These children were going to be given powerful gifts, and be responsible for controlling the seven sins of mankind. This was due to the downfall of mankind, their paths predetermined to fail.

Lust, Envy, Gluttony, Greed, Wrath and Pride.

'But who will control them?' my mother questioned.

'Envy is the root of all evil. Envy for flesh leads to Lust, Envy for food leads to Gluttony, Envy for money leads to Greed, Envy for another man's life leads to Wrath, and Envy for a man's own appearance leads to Pride.' My father replied knowlegably.

'Each child was gifted with powers, all bound together by Envy. We had powers to control, and others to protect."

Sin continued watching her eyes grow wide, still listening to his words attentively.

'I have lived eons controlling man's emotions, passions and sexual explorations. I have another power that can destroy..destroy everything if I lose control. "

Cas looked deep in thought, a mess of information had been thrown her way and yet she still seemed complacent.
"I...I'm sorry...." Cas stuttered akwardly, "I just never imagined.."

"Let me continue to be honest Cassidy. I was never a man of virtue. I have helped my brothers committ murder, I have stolen things, and I have had many many sexual encounters."
Her cheeks flushed as he revealed the last part.
"My nature is to be cold, unfeeling, and.... the flesh." He added, gazing downward at her exposed cleavage, remembering their office visit together. His memory triggered a deep ache for her, he could feel his blood surge to his manhood.

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