The first day of school

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       It was your first day at Peach Creek High School and you were as nervous as a first time preschooler going to school alone. Taking a deep breath and letting it out, you clutched your books to your chest, adjusted your glasses and walked in. This was your stereo typical high school, there was no doubt about it. You had your typical jocks in one area, their classic Letterman jacket, jeans and sneakers, the cheerleaders and the preps in another, the goths here, the emos there, the nerds here, the hipsters there and so on and so forth. After stopping by the office to grab your schedule, locker combination and the lock, you made your way to your locker. You sighed, feeling relieved that your locker wasn't so close to the jocks nor the snobby cheerleaders and preps. After placing your binders, and books in your locker, you looked at the time and gasped. There was one minute till the bell tardy bell rang.

Frantically, you looked at your schedule and searched for the location of your first class. However time nor luck was not on your side and the tardy bell had rung. "No.." you said to yourself in a soft voice. 'Great, first day of a new school and I'm late,' you scolded yourself as you continued to walk around helplessly around the new school. When you turned a corner, you saw someone, a guy, kinda lanky with a beanie and a black leather jacket. Maybe he could show you the way to your class. With all the courage you could muster up, you slowly approached him, hoping to not make a fool out of yourself. "U-um, e-excuse me." you called softly. He halted, then turned around. You shuddered as he gave you a cold glare. "What." he demanded. Gulping, you gripped onto your binders and schedule. "I-I was wondering i-if you know where G132 is." you asked softly. He stared at you, almost as if observing you before turning around and continuing to walk. He was an odd guy, but...there was something about him, something he sent off that gave this dangerous vibe...and you couldn't help but stare. "Hey!" you heard a bark. You gasped as you blinked out of your mind and looked at him.

"Y-Yes?" you asked nervously.

"Didn't you fucking here me? I said that's my class so follow me." Oh you know who he was. He was the bad boy of the school, there was no doubt about it. "Well are you gonna come or are you gonna stand there like a fucking ditz?" he snapped again.

"Ah, c-coming!" you called and quickly stumbled after him. When the two of you arrived, the teacher didn't seem to care about the tardiness of the student whom had helped you out, but when his eyes landed on you, his mood changed. "Ah, you made it. My guess is that you got lost?" the teacher asked.

You nodded, embarrassed by your tardiness and your trivial mistake. "Well since it is your first day I will let it slide, but if this happens again, I have no choice but to give you a detention." Again you nodded and whispered a silent apology.

"Now why don't you introduce yourself to the class." He said, his voice a little cheerier. You took a glance at the class and your eyes automatically fell on the guy wearing the beanie. He wasn't even looking at you, just staring into space and scribbling down something on paper. Breaking out of your thinking process, you realized the teacher had cleared his throat and some of the students began to snicker and mumble. Gulping and gripping onto your binders as if it were your only life line, you opened your mouth to speak. "(Y-Y/N)." you whispered oh so softly.

"(Y/n)!" the teacher announced louder. "Why don't you take a seat next to Edd." He said as he pointed to the guy wearing the beanie. So that's what his name was. With an almost unnoticeable nod, you walked over to your designated area. "Weird." you heard someone mumble.

"She better not flirt with Edd." another whispered. Picking up your pace, you made your way to the desk and took your place. Suddenly you felt something lightly tap you. You turn around and saw a wadded up piece of paper on the floor next to the leg of your chair. Bending it down to pick it up, you opened the crinkled piece of paper and saw in big, crooked letters were the word 'WEIRD'. Snickers were made and out of the corner of your eyes, you saw them fist bump and laughter being held in. You sighed as you stuffed the paper in your binder. Class continued and the teacher carried his lesson onward. A new school with, hopefully new friends, most definitely new enemies, and more obstacles. To sum it all up, Welcome to Peach Creak High. 

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