Sudden Inspiration

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Blank. Absolutely blank. You laid on your bedroom floor like a dead body from a crime scene staring at your ceiling fan, watching as the blades rotated at a steady beat. Paper scattered around round you as you laid their sprawled and your laptop continued to play music at this point were foreign to you. "I have nothing." You said out-loud to no one in particular. You were working on a story of yours, something that you tried to keep up during school however it seemed as if your idea and inspiration continued to deteriorate. You read article after article about how to get back on track but nothing seemed to work.

"Well that's rude. I thought I was something." You heard a voice. Turning your head, you blankly looked up at the direction, only to see familiar blue eyes. Letting out a hum, you turned your attention back towards the face the ceiling fan. Edd blinked. "Ok you're rude." He said as he took a seat on your bed.
"Seriously Edd I have nothing!" you said as you sat up and looked at him with a pout on your face. "I've been trying to write however nothing is coming up! I've done everything in the book but nothing is happening! I just- I just don't know at this point." You sighed.

"You tired getting out of your room?" he asked.
"Went to the library and the near by coffee shop. This is my sixth cup of coffee this week in 3 days." You replied bluntly.
"What about drafting?" He asked.
"All the scraps and notes and papers are drafts."
Silence filled the room and you let out a frustrated groan. "See?? I've tried everything! Nothing!"
"Well then, have you tried typing out how what you're feeling and expressing it through your characters?" Edd suggested.

You blinked as your head shot up and looked at him. "W-what?" you asked.
"Yeah. I mean you've told me what you're writing. Why don't you just edit it so that you can convey your feelings through the characters. Sure, it may be a short chapter but it's a start." Edd shrugged.
Your jaw dropped. You couldn't believe it. It was genius...!
"Edd...! You're a genius!" You said as you stood up and gave your boyfriend a hug.
"That should be pretty fucking obvious. Now sit your sweet ass down in front of your computer and start typing, and whatever you do, don't stop." He said as he gave you his famous smirk and playfully shoved you on your bed. A giggle escaped your lips as he grabbed your laptop and handed it over to you before placing a kiss on your lips. "Thank you." You said softly, a blush dusting your cheeks as you looked up at him with admiration.
"Anytime. Now go wild. I hate it when you lose that little light you have in your eyes when you get inspired." He said as he walked out, smirking as he heard your fingers tapping rapidly against the keyboard.

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