Truth or Dare

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   It was a day like any other day. The sky was clear with clouds here and there, the weather was nice and the sun was shining bright. Edd had decided to walk you back home instead of you waiting for your parents to pick you up. "I swear I think our teacher is deliberately trying to torture us." Edd groaned. A small smile graced your lips as you looked at the tall student.
"Oh it isn't that bad." you replied.
"You think doing two essays with a maximum letter count is not ruthless?" He asked, looking at you with a raised eyebrow. A nervous giggle escaped your lips. "W-Well," you began to say. Before you could finish your sentence, Eddy came running over. "Hey you two! I was wondering if you could do me a favor." He grinned cheekily, throwing an arm over Edd's shoulder.
"What scam do you have rolled up your sleeve this time?" Edd grumbled as he tossed Eddy's arm off of him.

"Okay, so I saw a couple of newbie cheerleaders at the playground chilling out, total hotties by the way. I decided to go up to them because who cant resist this." Eddy grinned as he guestured to himself with a smirk.
"I know several people who can and one of them is me." Edd replied bluntly, causing you to giggle.
"Anyways," Eddy shot back. "I go up to them and ask what they were doing and they said they were playing Truth or Dare. I asked if I could join, but that jock brained Kevin came in trying to shoo me away from the beautiful ladies and so did Naz. And so-"
"And so here you are asking if I could help you get into some cheerleader's skirt and you need (Y/n) since she's the only one that the neighborhood doesn't hate and manages to stand you." Edd finished.
"Correct-a-mundo Double D by buddy ol'pal! Now, help me get some babes!" He growled at the end and forced the both of you to walk his path.

When you guys got to the playground, you saw a group of teenagers with familiar faces all relaxing under the shade of the large tree. Your eyes grew as a familiar blue haired girl caught your eyes and immediately felt cold. You remembered as bright as day how your first encounter with Marie ended. She wasn't one to be messed with that's for sure and worse if she were to be your rival, however the thought of what she might do when she finds out that you're with Edd, her love interest, seems unimaginable. "Oh hey (Y/n)." Naz greeted with a smile.
"H-Hello." you replied shyly with a small wave. You let out a small squeak as Eddy nudged you and you looked at them. "I- er, well, we were wondering if we could join you guys in your game of Truth or Dare?" you asked. "I-if you don't mind that is." you added softly.
"Of course not! Join right in!"
"Especially you Edd." Marie purred and ushered him over with her finger.
"And you Eddy boy." Lee mused as she patted an open spot next to her. Before Eddy could deny, he was yanked by the arm from the eldest Kanker and forced him to sit next to her. To Edd's dismay, the only open spot was next Marie and reluctantly sat by her. You soon followed sitting next to him.

Your heart raced out of fear. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Marie attempt to flirt with Edd, who dismissed it bluntly. "Alright who's going to go first?" Naz asked and thus the game began. Every time your turn had come, you always picked truth, knowing that it was the safest route to go and that you had nothing to hide. A few rounds have passed and everyone seemed to be having a good time. "Alright my turn!" Marie said happily. "Edd truth or dare?" she asked, batting her eyelashes at him.
"Truth." he sighed.
"Do you love me?" she purred. "And you have to be honest so don't be shy." she mused. Everyone waited as Edd looked at her.
"No. I don't." He replied. There was silence before Marie broke into laughter.
"Oh he's so funny! He loves to play hard to get, don't you baby?" She asked, punching him in the arm with a little bit more force than a friendly punch.

"No I'm not. And I'll prove it. (Y/n) truth or dare?" Edd asked.
"Oh um, tru-"
"Dare." Marie interrupted. "She picks dare." she repeated and crossed her arms, her dark eyes boring into your (e/c) ones.
"Well, she has picked truth for quite sometime. Come on (Y/n) go for it." Naz encouraged. Your heart raced out of fright but you nodded. "A-alright. D-Dare." You said softly as you looked up at Edd.
"I dare you, to kiss me." Edd said bluntly, a smirk on his face. Everyone gasped at as the game changer was in place. Your face was now hot and beet red. You couldn't believe this. Was Edd trying to get you murdered or what.
"Edd I think that's going to far-!" Naz began but immediately was cut off.
"Here's the deal. If (Y/n) rejects me, then I'm going on a date with Marie. If she does, then I'll share a little truth." Edd smirked before looking back at you. The whole circle was quite and tension filled the air.

You looked up at him before your eyes landed on Marie, who seemed to glare daggers into your soul. "It's okay to drop out of the dare (Y/n)." she smirked. "It wouldn't be a problem to any of us."
"Come on bunny I don't have all day. Unless, dont want to ki-"
"Ok.." you managed to say with a racing heart. "I-I'll do it." Gasps filled the air as you placed the books you were holding down before looking up at Edd. If someone saw you right now, it would of looked like you. You bit your lip and as you leaned up slow and steady. It was just on the cheek right? He didn't specify where he wanted it. Oh how you hoped too quickly, immediately he turned his head and his lips were brushed against yours and your heart rate soared through the roof. "That's it doll face, right here." He whispered before you finally placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

Everyone gasped at the sight while Eddy broke it with his cheers and Marie shouted in disbelief. Immediately Edd kissed back as he placed a hand on your hip and pulled you closer. The kiss went from simple and innocent to a hot and heavy make out in front of the public. Edd hovered above you as you both kissed, your head tilted back as you raised a hand to cup your lover's face. A gasp escaped your lips as you felt his tongue slip into your mouth, forcing a small moan to emit from you. When you both pulled away, you panted heavily and your mind buzzed. The kiss was mind blowing and left you in a haze and a complete mess, while leaving the others speechless. "Well, the deal is done. (Y/n) kissed me, as you all have witnessed. Now if everyone would excuse us, (Y/n) and I have some homework to do." Edd announced casually as he helped you up and handed you your books.

"Wait! What was the promise you were going to share!" Marie demanded, immediately getting on her feet. Edd looked over his shoulder before smirking. "You know, I thought you of all people would put the pieces together Marie, but I guess I have to spell it out." Edd chuckled as he took your hand and pulled you forward, his smirk never leaving his lips. "(Y/n) is mine." he said bluntly, causing you to blush and bury your face into his well toned chest. "And if you thought for a second that you were going to kick her ass for that, you better think again." Edd's smirk grew devious. "Don't think for a second that just because I'm a straight A student, doesn't mean I won't kick your ass." With that said, he wrapped his arm around your shoulder and walked off, his head held high and his hand stuffed in his pocket.

At the circle, everyone was shocked at the scene. "I would've never thought that Double D would manage to get a girlfriend." Naz awed before turning her attention to Kevin.
"Especially a girl like that." Kevin mumbled.
"Aww is Kevin sad that sweet little (Y/n) has been taken by Double D? Or that (Y/n) took Double D away from you?" Naz teased causing Kevin to blush.
"W-What?! N-No! Shut up Naz!" Kevin shouted, causing the cheerleaders to giggle at the football star.
"Hey Marie are you okay?" Lee asked, placing a hand on her sister's shoulder.
"Did you hear what Edd said?" she asked, her shoulders shaking. Lee became quiet, in shock that someone, especially Edd had made her cry...or so she thought. "He sounded so...SEXY!!" she squealed. "The way he threatened me..! Oh my god it got me all warm in all the right areas~!!" She sang happily as her mind wandered to her darkest fantasies.
"Ok, gross." Eddy said. "But I can't believe it! My best friend took the hot new girl! No fair!" Eddy shouted, cursing his friend as he did. I guess you could say, Truth or Dare was actually pretty fun after all.   

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