Q & A

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Hey you guys, its me Arisa back from the dead (well kinda sorta). You're probably thinking this was an update and it kinda sorta is and it kinda sorta is. Im going to be answering some of the most common questions and other things that have come to my attention here and i BEG OF YOU TO READ THIS. ITS SHORT I SWEAR.

#1: Where in the world have I been?

Well you see here when i started this story i was in high school so i was able to manage to find time and write. However now that im in college, my time to write along with energy and inspiration has been withered down to nothing. (Also i could say i was on hiatus due to the fact that i did have some pretty traumatic stuff happen to me recently so i needed a break from life itself and everything around it. Yes that means i got to a depressive point in my life and i needed to get out like asap. Im doing...okay now  <3 ) :D 

#2: Does that mean this story will continue??

Oh hell yes i am. I have the drafts written down in my journal I carry, its just that I gotta study. (Study hard kiddos. Gotta get dem coins) And once im done studying, i then have to get whatever energy i have to type.

#3: "Are you copying someone else's story?????" 

Soooooo I went through my comments and someone had asked that am i copying from another writer??? Istg this made me laugh my ass off and I showed my friends and they laughed too. Sorry to disappoint the person who commented that but NOPE! I AM ARISA NIGHTINGALE! My handle Arisa Nightingale has been mine for years on end. I used to be Luna Waters but i created my writer name many many many years ago. Want proof im a real friggen person?? My quotev is www.quotev.com/princessofwater

My instagram is arisa_nightingale

You can litterally google me and find me anywhere. But yo thanks for that comment tho. Made me and my friends laugh tho. 

#4: So if you're The Arisa Nightingale, why is my lazy ass not copying and pasting?

Hi, yeah im lazy as hell and like i said, I felt terrible about my whole state of being so i didnt do shit. I started again to write but it was out of whim. I will be updating this and I'll probably put this Q&A at the end of the book when i do complete it. So feel free to drop questions under this chapter right here, so at least I can stay some what organized in my tornado life. 

Thanks again for staying with me. Im gonna pick up writing again now that my schedule is a bit...breathable (thats probably gonna change cause i am in college mah dudes. Shit's tough) Alright i love you! Thank you and see yall in the next update~ <3 

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