Tis the Season

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 "Come on Eddy, it's not that bad." You tried to reassure your friend as the two of you made your way out of the crowded high school and into the frigid outdoors.

"It is bad (Y/n)! I have to find a gift for Mrs. Bitch and everyone knows pretty damn well that she hates my guts." Eddy retorted in a frustrated manner.

"Okay, now you're just saying things. Mrs. Neilson does not hate you!"

"I slipped laxatives in her coffee, drew a penis on the white board with a sharpie, and played porn audio during a movie. I'm pretty sure she hates me at this point."

You nervously laughed as you remembered all those events. You could've sworn that Mrs. Neilson's face turned as red as the ribbons that decorated the school. "A-Alright, so you pulled some practical jokes on her, b-but here's the chance to make-up for them!" you urged him.

"Like I'm going to do that!" Eddy snapped, eyes set ablaze with anger and agitation. "You know what?! Fuck this! I'm not getting her, or anyone else jack shit! I'm going home!" He fumed before storming off. You watched as Eddy stormed off in his gray jacket, but not before knocking over a couple of Christmas lights and decorations before he was out of your sight. Suddenly a whistle blew right next to you, causing you to jump and break away from your thoughts. "So, what pissed him off this time?" Edd asked casually, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his black leather jacket.

"Oh, you see, we have this activity we're doing in class, and the teacher wanted to do Secret Santa, and Eddy drew out our teacher's name."

"So not only does he have to get a gift, he has to get a gift for a teacher? No wonder there are flames shooting from his head." Edd said, shaking his head at the predicament.

"Well, it can't be that bad! It doesn't have to be a big gift!" you explained as the two of you began your walk.

"Actually, for Eddy, this is actually pretty bad." Edd explained.


"Yeah. You see, Eddy is more of a taker than he is a giver. Anyone and everyone that has met Eddy or has been with him for five minutes in his vicinity can understand that, and since it's the holidays, giving is especially hard for him. Back in middle school, Ed and I tried to fix that habit of his, until he learned about Santa, which lead into many disasters, to the point where he had stolen all of the cul-de-sac's presents. We did get it back, and of course Kevin kicked his ass for it, but the universe is a really odd thing." Edd said as he remembered the day as if it were yesterday. "The Cul-de-sac always has a huge Christmas tree where everyone and anyone can decorate it every year, however it just couldn't light up. Now that I think about it, it really didn't bother anyone, but it did make the us disappointed because we wanted to see it glow. Somehow, Eddy's action actually led to him lighting up the Christmas tree. It didn't change his attitude much after that, but ironically, something similar always happens around this time every year. So if you want him to actually go through with this Secret Santa thing, then all we need to do is get the ball rolling."

"And how do we do that?" you asked.

"Beats me." Edd shrugged.

"Oh come on Edd! I need your help! And no one knows Eddy than his best friend, which is you!"

"I don't know, maybe send him downtown where the shops are. I'm sure he's bound to find something there." Edd suggested.

"That's a great idea! Then it's settled! We'll go this weekend!"

"What do you mean by we?" Edd asked slowly, raising an eyebrow at you.

"As in all of us! You me, Eddy and Ed!" you chirped happily.

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