Saturday Morning Out

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It was a quiet morning in the cul-de-sac as you quietly shuffled in the comfort of your own home. It was a weekend and your parents had today off, which meant they were going to sleep in. Knowing that they have been working hard along with dealing with the daily life of having your brother in law school and you still in high school and the drama in their group of friends, you decided to let them sleep till their hearts were content. The house was quiet as you sat in your pajamas in the kitchen, eating your cereal as you scroll through your various apps you had on your phone. As you lazily looked through the content, a text message popped up on the screen. Immediately, you tapped on it and who it was from. A smile graced your lips as you saw Edd's name that had a cute heat emoticon next to it as you read the content of the text.

'Hey Bunny, you busy now?' the text read. Putting your spoon down, you began to type your reply.

'Im just eating breakfast right now. Why is everything alright?'

'Need you for something. Meet me at my house asap ok?'

This had worried you greatly. Had something happened to him or his friends? Maybe someone needed help? Curse how you couldn't read tone via text message. Replying that you would be on your way, you quickly chowed down the rest of your breakfast before dashing upstairs, making sure you made little to no noise as you did. After slipping on a simple pair of skinny jeans, a plain t-shirt and a sweater over it, you quickly grabbed your shoulder bag and dunked your important contents in it like your keys, wallet and phone. After writing a small note to your parents that you would be out, you slipped on your sneakers and dashed outside and made your way to Edd's house. When you arrived at the front door, you quickly rang the bell along with knocking on the door. You waited anxiously as there was no one that answered, which only made you think of the worst possible scenario. Could he have possibly injured himself to the point where he couldn't get help by himself? Before you could ring the bell again, the sudden sound of a garage opening startled you. You jumped as you looked over and saw Edd's garage door open. Your jaw dropped as you saw a shiny black car slowly emerge from the garage. It wasn't just an ordinary black car nor was it the typical sports car. No, it was a luxury car. A pure luxury car that makes anyone look like a celebrity. Could this be Edd's mom car? Maybe his dad's? No, you were wrong with both guesses, because when the tinted black window rolled down, there was Edd behind the wheel. "Get in." He said, almost demanded.

"W-What?" you asked, blinking back into reality.

"Bunny I don't have time to explain, hurry and get your ass in the car." Edd demanded, the garage closing as he did. You flinched from the harsh demand but none of the less listened to him. You scurried your way over to the passenger's side and slid in, closing the door behind you. Immediatly, Edd began to reverse, turning the wheel several times before he was safely out of the parking lot. He looked around before quickly and quietly made his way out of the cul-de-sac and into the streets. The silence was awkward as you put your belt on and looked around. The car was clean and labeled, just as you would suspect. The dash board was black and it was accented with chrome, along with the whole interior being spotless. You heard Edd sigh and your attention went over to him as his grip on the steering wheel loosened. "Look, bunny, I'm sorry I snapped at you earlier." He said, his ice blue eyes looking at you for a quick second before going back to the road.

Honestly, you didn't know what to say. Yes it was rude no doubt, especially since he texted you in a way that it sounded urgent. "I-Its alright..." you mumbled inaudibly, your gaze down at your lap with your hands folded on your lap. There was another moment of silence before Edd spoke again.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked. Your head shot up and you looked at him, however words couldn't form in your brain nor could they come out of your mouth. Just as quickly, your gaze fell back on your lap as you quietly fiddled with the ends of your sweater. There was another moment of silence before the car slowed down before coming to a complete halt, seeing as there was a red light. "(Y/n)," Edd called again, which you looked over. Immediately, you felt cold lips be pressed against yours in a short sweet kiss before he pulled away. "Sorry about earlier princess." he said in a hushed tone. You sat there with a shocked face before your (s/c) cheeks reddened.

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