Prince Charming with a leather jacket

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It was simple day at Peach Creek High as everyone minded their own business. You were sitting at one of the lunch tables placed outside and doodled in your notebook. It was a small hobby of yours when you had the time or if your mind ever decided to wonder. In actuality, you were waiting for Ed, Eddy and Edd to show up so that everyone could eat and enjoy themselves. As you continued to doodle, someone had taken a seat by you. You looked over at the corner of your eyes and saw that it wasn't Edd, to your disappointment and decided to scoot over before continuing on your small piece of art. "Hey there cutie. What are you doing here sitting all alone?" he asked.

You blushed of embarrassment and tried focusing on the white paper scratched with your lead pencil. "U-Um, I'm waiting for my friends." you whispered oh so softly, hoping that he would stop talking to you.

"What was that?" He asked, scooting closer.

"I-I said I'm waiting for my friends!" you squeaked and scooted away.

"Oh come on babe!" He said as he leaned closer. "I don't bite!"

Immediately a hand slammed on the silver metal table and you let out another squeak of surprise, jumping as you did.

"And I do punk." the other one growled. You blushed as you looked up and saw Edd's familiar face, only this time pissed off more than ever.

"E-Edd i-it's a-alright." you said softly, placing a gentle hand over his.

"Hey dude! What the hell is you problem!?" the guy shouted.

"My problem? You really wanna know what's my problem?! You're flirting with my fucking girlfriend!"

"Well shit she should leave your ass. You aint shi-!" The guy was immediately cut off when Edd grabbed him by his shirt.

"E-Edd! P-please that's enough!" you yelped, placing your hands on his arm to calm him down.

"Listen here you Grade A little fuck boy. Watch your fucking mouth in the future or else your ass will be handed back to you. You should be grateful that she's here cause she just saved your life. If she wasn't here, then your face would've made out with the pavement." Edd growled before tossing the other kid back. You grabbed your stuff before Edd grabbed your hand and dragged you off.

"E-Edd! Edd stop! Don't you think that was a little too much?" You asked, looking up at the tall guy that dragged you away.

"That douche bag was bothering you bunny." he stated bluntly. "What the hell are with the kids these days? No fucking respect for shit, always needing a quick fix and shit." he grumbled as he guided you to the table where the others were. A smile graced your lips before you stopped, which caused him to stop. "Wha-"

You immediately stopped Edd from what he was saying with a gentle kiss on his cheek. A blush dusted you (s/c) cheeks as you stood on your toes, before pulling away and looking at him shyly.

"T-Thanks Edd." you said softly with a smile. Edd looked at you, shock still in his eyes before he looked away, his pale cheeks dusting with pink.

"D-Dammit bunny..." he grumbled as he continued to guide you towards the table. You giggled as you watched him walk faster, still flustered from your sudden act of cuteness. Yeah, even though Edd might be the bad boy, he was still a gentleman and an open book once you get to know him. He was your prince charming in a leather jacket. 

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