Meet the Kanker Sisters

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  Things couldn't have gotten any worse for you. You were the talk of the whole school. Half of the school was afraid of you and the other half had no shame on picking you. Days went by as people you had tried to conference with scooted away from you, or just laughed at your attempt and walked along. Why was this happening to you? Oh yeah, because you were now the bad boy's little toy. Everyone knew it now and sadly, you were reminded of it constantly. Everyday Edd would find away to tease you, whether it be your height, your lack in athletic abilities, or anything else. He knew just how to press your buttons.
"P-Please Edd, I really need to return that book." you said as you reached on your toes to grab the book, but to only have him raise it higher and laugh. "You gotta work for it Bunny." He smirked as he continued to tease you at your incapability of reaching the book.

Just as you were about to give up, all of a sudden a guy with dark, sleeked back hair in a bowling jersey ran up to the both of you with enthusiasm and giddiness. "Hey Double D check this out!" The stranger cheered as he began his rambling on how he could earn quick cash and a lot of it. 'Oh yeah,' you thought. 'This is must be one of Edd's friend.'
"By the way dude, who's the cutie here?" Edd's friend asked as he gave some sort of smolder to you and making you break out of your train of thought. You looked at him with wide eyes and quickly wrapped your arms around yourself as if it were the only way protect yourself. "Alright you money grieving tycoon, back it up." Edd said as he pushed his friend away a little. "Now come on. I want to see how your dumbass plan is going to crash and burn." And with that, they both walked away......with your book still in his hands.

"I-I needed to return that...." you mumbled to yourself softly. Knowing that you weren't getting it back anytime soon, you might as well save up the money that you were going to owe to the library. Letting out a sigh of defeat, you continued to pack your bags for the journey home. "So that's the little bitch that's been getting a little to close to your man!" you heard a voice. Closing your locker, you looked around and saw three girls standing there with vicious stares. You gulped, having a gut feeling that these girls weren't here to make friends.

The one in the middle, had short, curly orange hair that gave off this bad girl from the 80's kind of feel, with high wasted blue jeans and a button up white and red polka dotted shirt that was tied into a knot at the bottom. "Look at her Marie! You got nothing to be worried about! She don't even look like competition!" the red head snickered as she eyed you down.
"Yeah well, maybe we should give her a small lesson about where her boundaries are, just so she knows who's she thinks she's competing with." The blue haired girl, Marie, you guessed, smirked at you. Chills went down your spine as you focused on the bobbed, clad blue hair. Her intimidating glare burned into you, sparkling as she waited in anticipation to beat the living life out of you. You made a quick glance at her attire and pressed your back further into the metal door. You knew she meant business. Wearing a black tank top that ended just above her belly button, army green cargo pants that were held up by a pink belt and black combat boots along with leather wrist cuffs, you knew she wasn't afraid to teach someone a lesson and by god she was just waiting for that signal to release her.

"I think she might be stupider than you, May!" the red one laughed as they all surrounded you. You blushed in embarrassment as you held your binders closer to. It was a habit of yours to examine someone after being alone the majority of your life. You did have friends yes, but they were busy doing other things, thus left you a window of opportunities to master other things. "I'm not stupid Lee!" The long blonde haired one said. "But I do like seaweed. Mmmm seaweed." she said and began to daze off into her own world. Guessing by that little sentence, she wasn't the brightest, nor sharpest, tool in the shed. With her simple long blonde hair, a simple t-shirt, and red shorts, along with knee high socks and sneakers, it was easy to judge that she would be harmless. But that doesn't rule that she could lash out in a second. With the right words, the right timing and the right actions, this clueless minded girl could be turned into the United State's number one serial killer.

All of a sudden, there was a strong and forceful yank on your shirt. You gasped as the blue haired girl, Marie, had grabbed a fist full of your shirt and yanked you towards her. Her eyes were probably the coldest you had seen and they were deadly and determined. "Listen hear you weirdo. Edd is MINE. Try anything and I will hunt you down and I will make your life here a living hell. Do you understand me." she demanded. Before you could even respond, she slammed you against the locker, knocking the breath out of you as you collapsed to the floor. "Good. Know you're place. This isn't free will. You live under our kingdom, you live under our rules." And with that, they walked out, talking about whatever that is they do.

You continued your coughing fit until it finally subsided. Leaning your head back against the cool metal door, you added to your mental list of why this school was torture. After catching your breath, you wobbled up and made your way home. Once changed into some (f/c) sweat pants and (second f/c) t-shirt which had a picture of (whatever you want), you pulled out your laptop and went on the city's public library website where you logged in to see what your fine was. Your (e/c) eyes widened as you saw your account. No books were checked out to you. Nothing. Quickly you typed in (book name) into the search bar of the website and found that it was cataloged and moved to the shelves for the next reader. A small blush appeared on your face as you added up these events. Edd, the bully, sort of, had taken your book, only to return it safe and sound. Gently closing your laptop, you walked over to your bedroom window, in which had the view of the cul-de-sac, where you saw Edd and his friends walking. The guy in the bowling jersey was angered and annoyed whereas Edd was laughing at him, along with his other friend whom didn't seem like the sharpest, nor brightest, crayon in the box was mindlessly walking along side them.

You didn't realize it before, but as you continued to look at Edd, you noticed that he had an attractively lean body. Built, most definitely but it was lean enough that you wouldn't even be able to recognize his strength until he gives someone a blow to the face. You also realized that he looked really good in an beanie. I mean, he wears that thing almost everyday and it shocked you that he hadn't been dress coded yet. And along with his looks, he was really smart too, which was also another surprise to you and only made you curious of him more. Suddenly reality hit you; why in the name of god were checking out Edd, the bad boy that can get you killed by Marie?! You shook your head and flopped onto your bed, your face buried into your pillow, recollecting what had happened. 1) Edd, the guy that you may, or may not, have a crush on, took your book, only to return it and 2) you were now target number one for those three girls. Sighing, you turned onto your back and looked at your ceiling. Things couldn't ever be in your favor.   

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