The Wolf's Play Thing

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    A few days of school had passed and it seems that things weren't turning for the better. The jocks in your class had realized you were smarter than anyone else so they dubbed you the nerd and the freak; nerd for being a nerd and freak for being shy and alone. No new friends were made, but there was only one guy that crept in your mind; Edd. You kind of had a small grasp of who he is. He's part of this trio called the Ed's, probably because each one of them had a different variation of the name Ed. He's also has a frenemy named Kevin, whom is the star quarter back of the school's football team and was a pretty popular guy. 'Might as well get to class,' you thought and made your way to your history class and took your rightful place in your desk. "Alright class, this is the million dollar question." Our teacher began as he wrote on the white board. "What are the characteristics of the Roaring twenties?"

The room went silent. Not a single person had any idea. Blank faces scanned the room as if the teacher was speaking some foreign language. "No one is going to answer?" The teacher asked. "Saddening. Well maybe one of my top students wi-" Quickly, he was cut off when he saw your timid hand raise up. "Yes (Y/n)?"
"U-um...The characteristics of the roaring twenties was that it was a d-dramatic change both socially and politically. Socially by having more business and more culture, such as f-fashion and music. And p-politically wise by having new laws take place." you explained. All eyes were now on you, half of them were glares and the other half looked like they were annoyed. "I'm impressed by this answer Mrs. (Y/n). You might be just as good as Edd." You nodded as you lowered your head and played with the pencil in your hand. Suddenly, you felt something light hit your back. Probably another wad of paper, you guessed as you leaned down to pick it up. As quickly as you opened it, you just as quickly put it away. It was another note, stating how you were a nerd and a sheer looser.

Class went on as normal, the teacher trying to make this lesson as interesting as possible. The bell for lunch had rang and everyone had quickly scattered out the room. As you placed your binders into your locker, the metal door suddenly slammed shut in front of you, making a surprised gasp escape your lips. You looked over and saw a firm arm that pinned the locker door close. Slowly, you turned around and quickly backed up into the locker. There in front of you was the coldest set of eyes that you had ever faced. "Well, it seems that you aren't a brainless mouse you appear to be." Edd said as he hovered above you. Yes, he was quite tall for junior. A small whimper emitted from your voice as he chuckled. "Small, smart, nerdy, and cute." he said as he traced a cold finger down your jaw and to your chin. "You're interesting (Y/n) (L/n). Or shall I call you little bunny." He chuckled again as his eyes stared into yours. You were terrified and attracted. Was that even possible?!

Before you could even utter a sound, you heard from the distance his name being called. He clicked his tongue before moving away. "We should get to know each other better, little bunny." He smirked before sauntering off. You watched as he sauntered off with his friends before you slid down the cold metal door of your locker and onto the floor. Releasing the unnoticed breath you held, you sat there, replaying the scenes that had just occurred. As the halls emptied out, your mind slowly put the pieces together. Your eyes widened as the puzzle was now complete and the picture was right in front of you. You weren't just a measly nerd that happened to be at the bottom of social pyramid. Oh no, you were worse. You were the bad boy's play thing. His little toy. 

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