Don't F*ck with me

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It was like the universe had decided when everything was going so well, it just had to be ruined by public humiliation. There you stood in the middle of the cafeteria with, what used to just be a pizza stain, now drenched in cheap cafeteria foods and beverages. Every pair of eyes stared at you as you looked down at the tile floor while the culprits of it all stood there with the biggest smirk known to man. "Maybe that'll teach you not to bump into us." One of them sneered, causing his partner in crime snicker. It was an honest accident on your case. You were happy that you had gotten a slice of pizza and bumped into them when you weren't paying attention. Even then, the mess landed on you, however you profusely apologized to them, this is what they did.

"Hey! The fuck is wrong with you?!" Eddy shouted as he stood on the table.

"Shut up shorty, it's none of your business!" One of them snapped.

"First you dump your shit food on her then call me shorty?!" Eddy immediately hopped down and made his way in front of you as you stood there in silence. Honestly you were speechless, and it seemed as if your feet were cemented to the ground.

"You mad shrimpy? What're you gonna do about it?" the other one sneered.

"Oh me?" Eddy snorted. "You can worry about me later. What you really have to worry about is whose girl you just fucked with." Gasps and murmurs filled the cafeteria.

"Oh my god he's right..."

"Is she his girlfriend?"

"Everyone knows not fuck with him..."

"Oh~ it looks like your boyfriend is a big shot! Well we would like to meet mister popular! Why don't you tell him to come out to the junkyard for a nice chat?" they grinned cynically. "If not, then, maybe we can negotiate on something else." One said lowly to you, eyeing you up and down before walking away with his accomplice. The cafeteria was silent as they tried to comprehend what had happened. "Tch, let's go (Y/n). You can't walk around with cheap ass meat sauce all over you." Eddy said as he nudged you out of the cafeteria. Your legs finally decided to work as they guided your being to where Eddy was going, calling for Ed to join the two of you.

You swore that this day couldn't have gotten any worse, but the world proved you wrong. As soon as the you had walked through the double doors, gasps echoed through the gymnasium and everything became dead silent. There the cheerleaders stood, some in pyramid formations while others were caught from leaping off of others. Your face was flushed with humiliation and embarrassment and there was nothing you wanted more than anything else than to go home, take a shower and hide in your house for the rest of your life. What was even worse was some of them tried their best to hold in snickers while others stood there silently. "Oh my gosh (Y/n)?" you heard your name being called by a familiar voice. You looked up from your shoes to see Naz land perfectly on her two feet as she quickly jogged to you. "Dude what happened?" She gawked as she looked at you up and down.

Biting your bottom lip, you surpassed the urge to speak before looking back down at your own two feet. Naz looked confused as she looked at Eddy for answer. "Listen Naz I'll explain later. But let's just say that this was the fault of a couple of douche bags with the egos the size of their head. So I need you to look after her for a bit until I get someone. Come on lumpy!" Eddy shouted as he turned on his heels and walked out. Ed looked at you worriedly before he gave you a hug.

"It's okay (Y/n). They're just a bunch of meanies, who don't know how really kind you are." Ed smiled before patting your head and dashing off after his friend. Silence filled the two of you as Naz examined you.

"Let me help you out girl." Naz said in a soft voice. Sure it was a little hesitant, seeing as how you didn't respond to anyone, but she knew even then that making fun of someone at this extent is not cool. "And if I hear or see any of you gossiping, laughing, posting or reposting anything of what happened that involves her, I'm kicking you out of the team." She ordered, even gaining the coach's approval before she whistled and told everyone to get back to practicing.

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