Aesthetics, the future, and aesthetics again

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The sound of rain thumping against the window filled the room. Paper and books covered the floor and the lights were turned off. The curtains were moved to the side, letting in the light of the gray sky and the aesthetic view of the wet window. Warmth filled your body as you laid in the bed, wearing nothing but a comfortable pair of yoga pants and a baggy shirt that exposed one shoulder. The subtle beat of the music playing from the speaker matched the rhythm of the rain, creating an even better euphoric atmosphere.

Your eyes fluttered closed as you felt an arm snake around your waist, pulling you closer against a chiseled chest. "Are you done with whatever you were doing?" you asked softly, barely above a whisper as felt a familiar pair of lips press against your (s/c) shoulder.
"No." you heard his deep and raspy voice. "Not when you're lying there looking hella sexy." He mumbled. A blush dusted your cheeks as you giggled and looked out the window.
"Only saying the truth." He mumbled.

Tangled limbs, hushed words with nothing but time on your hands. "You know I would've gone crazy with this mess, but with you, it almost seems like an aesthetic." He said, his voice a low rumble.
"Yeah." you hummed. There was a moment of silence before you parted your lips. "Hey Edd?"
"Hm?" he hummed.
"What...what will happen after high school?" you asked, turning your body to face him.
"What do you mean?" he asked.
"Well, with college and university, we'll be far apart. I just..." you voice disappeared as you tried to find your words. A sigh escaped his lips as he rolled onto his back.
"I knew this was going to come." He mumbled.
"What was?" you asked as you slowly sat up, your hair slightly messed as you looked down at Edd.

"Well," he began and sighed. "I got an offer from Harvard. They want to give me a full ride there as long as I triple major."
"Edd! That's amazing! But Triple major? Isn't that too much?" you asked.
"I know, I know it sounds crazy. They said that I can double major if I want to, but they want to experiment with students to see if it's possible to do a double if not triple major with their level of education."
"Harvard is far from here isn't it." You said softly, toying with the sheets. Edd nodded.
"Yeah, but those rich snobs want me for the amount of rewards I got." He mumbled. He looked over at you as you silently took it in. "Hey now," he said softly tilting your head up. "don't give me that look."
"I-I'm happy that you got offers from Harvard, truly I am! It's just that, well," you mumbled as you tucked your hair behind your ear. "I-I'll just miss you is all." You flicked your (e/c) eyes over at him, only for his eyes to stare back at you.

A chuckle escaped his lips causing you to immediately shoot your head up. "H-Hey! I'm being serious here!" you shouted, causing him to laugh harder. With cheeks puffed and a pout on your lips, you grabbed the pillow and immediately smacked him with it. "S-stupid!" you cried out as you whacked him. The next thing you knew he grabbed your wrist with one hand and chucked the pillow away from your hand before pulling you ontop of him. He smirked when you let out a small squeak as you landed right on top of him. "Listen here cutie." He said. "I'll always be back during break and besides," he began as he pulled you closer, wrapping his arms around your waist as he rested back against the pillows. "Won't you be busy with whatever it is you're doing? I'm sure you can entertain yourself while I'm gone." He hummed.

"Well, I do plan going to university and major in (subject), maybe minor in something if I wish to." You said softly.
"See? You'll be busy with school and so will I. You'll be alright." He said with a smile A sigh escaped your lips and you nodded.
"Okay." You agreed, laying your head on his shoulder, a small pink blush dusting your cheeks.
"Good, now bring that sexy ass closer. You've been here all day in my own room and you dare not to kiss me? You should be arrested." He smirked as he grabbed your chin and pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes fluttered closed as you wrapped your arm around Edd's neck, kissing him back. The future was still a blur, and you still worried, but for now, you shoved those thoughts aside and returned to the euphoric and aesthetic atmosphere that was once here.

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