October Fest

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The scent of the crisp air sent shivers down your spine as you stepped out of your comfortable home. Fall was most definitely here, for the leaves had a yellow and orange hue to them along with the weather being much cooler than the summer's blistering heat. After closing the front door, you began to make your way over to Eddy's house. Now that you had actually thought about it, you never had been to his house. Edd always said that it was a mess to be in and that it wasn't worth going, but it couldn't be that bad...could it? You looked at your phone at hand as you read the text message Eddy had sent you, requesting your help quickly.

When you arrived at his house, you rang the doorbell and waited silently. The neighborhood was quiet today, probably because there was the miniature October-fest happening at the school hosted by the cheerleaders and football team. You've always wanted to go however you couldn't see yourself doing it. Besides, pumpkin spice isn't that special to begin with. Soon the door swung open and there stood Eddy with the biggest grin on the planet. "Perfect!" he chirped before he grabbed your arm and yanked you in. You squeaked as you stumbled inside, Eddy slamming the door close before he dragged you all the way to his kitchen.

Immediately you stood in front of Ed and Edd as they sat at the dinner table with snacks scattering the table. "You did not just drag (Y/n) out of her house, just to get us to join your stupid ass plan." Edd said in astonishment.

"Well you don't wanna do it and Lumpy is in, so we need one more person to settle it!" Eddy argued, taking his seat.

"(Y/n) don't agree to whatever this lunatic says. It's not only stupid but impossible." Edd said, glaring at Eddy just as Eddy glared back.

"How about you let the girl speak sock head!" Eddy snapped before all attention went straight to you.

"W-Well," you said nervously as you fiddled with the sleeves of your sweater. "what is it that you want us to do Eddy?" you asked, taking a seat in the empty chair next to Ed and Edd.

"The plan is to have our own October-fest!" Eddy announced excitedly.

"O-October-fest? And you want it," you paused, waiting for his answer.

"Obviously today." Eddy scoffed.

"T-Today?!" you yelped.

"See, even (Y/n) thinks it's stupid!" Edd said as he sat back in his chair.

"I-I have to agree with Edd, Eddy. To create an October-fest now would be impossible." You said softly. You watched as Eddy frowned as he scoffed.

"Whatever." Eddy mumbled as he ate his not-so-hot pocket quietly. You felt bad. He really did want this. Slowly, you stood up as silence filled the kitchen and walked around. Ed then decided to randomly bring up a random conversation about what he watched on his latest television show, probably making the tension slightly put at ease. Suddenly your eyes caught onto a calendar that hung on the wall, along a red marker circling a date next week. Curiosity took over you as you walked closer to see what was written in bright red. 'Family reunion', you read before looking over.

You remember how Edd always talking about how he wanted to impress his family, especially get his brother's attention. Now you knew what was really happening. Quickly, you walked over to Edd and grabbed his hand. "(Y/n)-? H-Hey!" He stumbled as you took him to the living room far away from Eddy's hearing.

"Edd we have to do it." You said softly to him.

"Do what? The October-Fest? (Y/n) that's impossible!"

"No it won't, not unless we plan now." You explained firmly. "Listen Edd, Eddy's family is on their way here next week, with his brother."

"And?" Edd asked, raising an eyebrow.

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