Alpha Vs. Alpha

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No one can really understand how much they miss one another until they are miles away, whether it's physical or emotional. This happened to be the case between you and your older brother. You both had a normal relationship with each other; him being the older one and teasing you to no end, while you would be agitated at how he had more freedom then you did, however, you didn't complain. You were glad that you had someone to rely on when you needed it the most. Even though he was annoying, he protected you, and always cheered you up when you felt like you were the odd one out. "Oi. Earth to bunny. Land your ass back from la-la land or else you're in for it." you heard a voice say.

"H-huh?" you asked, breaking from your train of thought.

"It's nice to know that you find day dreaming more interesting then the person sitting in front of you." Edd mused with a raised eyebrow. A blush of embarrassment dusted your (s/c) cheeks as you bowed your head slightly. You had completely forgotten where you were. It was lunch time for you at Peach Creek High and joining you were the troublesome trio themselves. "You've been dazing out a lot lately. What's up?" Edd asked, taking a bite out of the school cafeteria food.

"Maybe you're finally boring the living shit out of her with all your books and crap Double D." Eddy snickered.

"And if you think she has the slightest interest in you, then you need to reevaluate yourself then get off your high horse."

The two continued to bicker, spitting insults at each other until you finally spoke up. "It's not that." you said calmly, catching Edd's attention. "Edd doesn't bore me at all. I think it's nice that you have interest in science." you said softly, a blush tinting your (s/c) cheeks. A moment of silence washed over as Edd looked at you in shock before looking away.

"Damn it bunny. You can't say shit like that out of the blue." Edd muttered, a pink blush dusting his cheeks. A giggle escaped your lips as you saw the Peach Creek High bad boy become bashful and awkward.

"I was thinking about my brother actually." you explained. A smile graced your lips as Edd looked back at you. "He's in law school right now but since started for them, he's coming over to visit."

Edd nodded as he continued to eat. "Law school huh?" He mused. "So he likes being a lawyer?"

"Oh his true intentions isn't to become a lawyer. It's actually in order to join the bureau." you smiled. This most definitely caught his attention.

"What the fuck is a bureau?" Eddy asked like it was the most outrageous thing he's ever heard.

"The Bureau Eddy." Edd repeated. "It's what they call the FBI." he explained. It took Eddy a couple of minutes before he spat out his milk.


"Yeah Eddy. That means, if you were going to pull one of your shit pranks, he's going to be arresting you." Edd snickered, causing Eddy to panic. "But with all jokes aside, that's one hell of a career path. You know what department?"

"I'm not for sure yet." you said with a soft sigh. "But it's been a really long time since I've seen him."

"You know, I'm actually interested in meeting your brother." Edd said as he continued to eat. Your eyes widened and your heart stopped for a couple of seconds. As much as you would have loved for Edd to meet the person that you so dearly admired, there was one problem with that wish. Your brother, as much as you loved him, had this tendency to be a little too protective of you. No one could blame him, you were constantly bullied for being socially awkward.

"U-Um," you began as you began to look around your surroundings, trying to find an answer. "I-It's a family kind of thing, b-but let me ask my mother." you quickly added.

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