Natatorium Boy

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  Today was an exciting day for you. Today you were going to visit Edd at the Natatorium and watch him practice. It was no secret that Edd was beyond the average competitive swimmer. From what others had said about him, they wouldn't be surprised if they found out he was part fish for he was that good at swimming. To support that statement, he has won many state competitions for the school ever since he tried out, three years in a row. To celebrate his victories, you brought in a small snack for the both of you to share; the lovely and heavenly delicious Thin Mints. As you walked into the school's Natatorium, your books close to you, the smell of chlorine smacked you in the face. It was slightly humid, but you expected nothing less for an indoors swimming pool.

You made your way to the main area and climbed on to the benches. You began to search for Edd until a whistle caught your attention. "Come on guys! First rounds of competition is around the corner and you all look like your flopping for air! We need to practice on breath support. How about Edd give us a demonstration." The coach said. "Edd get up here."
"Yeah yeah." he grumbled. Your eyes widened and immediately your (s/c) cheeks reddened like a cherry. There Edd stood on the diving board in tight, spandex swimming shorts with a swimming cap and goggles on his head. His body glistened from the pool water and you couldn't help but stare. He was lean, but he was sure toned and definitely built. Heck he was chiseled by the gods! "Does anyone want to try and race him?" The coach asked.
"I would!" said a cocky looking boy. "I'll make sure you're going down." He grinned.
"Donny enough. Get into position." the coach barked. Immediately Donny got into position and Edd casually put his goggles on before kneeling.

On the count of three, the whistle blew and they were off. You stood up a little to get a better view and awed at the sight. It only had been a few seconds and yet Edd was already a third of the way there, all from that one push. You did however noticed the difference between him and the other swimmer. Edd swam with powerful yet smooth strokes, only coming up for breath maybe once or twice. The other swimmer, Donny, was more erratic and loud, breaking the water multiple times to breath and push him through the water, thus slowing him down. The whistle blew again and Edd had reached the other end of the pool. "Well done Edd. As everybody saw, Edd only went to catch his breath for a couple of times where as Donny had to catch it multiple times, thus slowing him down. We'll work on breath support and everything else! Let's go!" the couch shouted and everyone quickly went to their position

Soon practice was over and everyone slowly left, however you found no sign of Edd. That's when you heard the sound of water breaking and your attention went back to the pool. There, you saw Edd continue to swim back and forth. A small smile graced your lips as you walked over the edge of the pool with your snacks and crouched down. As soon as Edd broke from the water in front of you, he was greeted with the gentle smile of your petal soft lips. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?" Edd asked, slightly out of breath from his solo practicing. You held out the bag of thin mints. "I heard that you were state champion winner for a few years so I thought I would surprise you by bringing you some snacks." you said.

Edd broke from the water and pushed himself onto the edge of the pool. "Well I did work an appetite." he said as you opened the bag and let him grab one. As he ate the delicious cookie, your (e/c) eyes trailed down to his body. Boy did your cheeks heat up and redden. He was more toned than you thought. Every muscle was chiseled perfectly and now that it was glistening wet from the pool, you thought you died and he was your guardian angel-
"Well I didn't know the little bunny was a pervert." Edd's voice said. You could hear the smirk in his voice as you snapped back into reality and looked back up at his steel eyes. "Having fun mentally stripping me?"

"N-No! I-I wasn't! I-I mean!" You stuttered your face reddening and your cheeks heating quickly, A small chuckle escaped his lips as he leaned back on his palm. "Relax, I'm only teasing." he grinned. "I mean, unless you want me to strip. I mean no one is here-"
"Edd!" you yelped, the blush worsening on your cheeks as you covered your face. "N-Not funny! A-And completely inappropriate!"
Another chuckle escaped his lips as he leaned closer, pulling your hands down. "I'm only joking. Relax bunny." he mused and immediately captured your lips. A small squeak escaped from you but you slowly kissed back, your guard falling down as you leaned into him as well. The taste of thin mints were present on his lips and the smell of chlorine wafted into your nose. Eventually you pulled away, looking up at him with a dazed look. "Alright I think I'm done swimming. I'll walk you home." Edd said as he got up and grabbed his towel before making his way towards the locker room. As you sat there in a daze, your mind caught up and you blinked back into reality. A small sigh escaped your lips, but a smile soon followed. You could get used to dating a swimmer boy. On the plus size, you get to see him in those spandex. I mean, why not? He has a great ass.

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