Old Flame

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  Ever since she could remember, Sarah hated the Ed's. She remembered how she and her best friend Jimmy would always hang out and every time their plans were ruined due to either them falling for their pranks or being in the vicinity of their pranks. It was complete chaos and she knows she's not alone in this. Too make it worse, one of them was her older brother, which meant those three idiots have access to her house. Sometimes she wonders how she's even related to her brother, let alone be the younger one when clearly she is the mature one.

Today just wasn't her day and it fueled her anger and agitation against her brothers. She had gotten a text from Jimmy that he wasn't going to be at school due to the fact that he got sick, which meant she had to deal with all the kids that thought they were popular when clearly they weren't. She had no choice. Being popular meant she had standards to keep and making sure that people know she is the ruler of this school and everyone else had to have respect for her. So she sat with a bunch of other kids, not knowing who their names were, only for the fact that Jimmy had made peace with them and she could at least converse with someone and if not, at least she's not sitting alone. As she looked down at her smartphone, her perfectly manicured and intricately designed nails scrolling through her social media, she over heard the two other girls that were talking with each other. "Oh my gosh there he is." one girl whispered.

"Ugh isn't he dreamy?"

"I'm such a sucker for bad boys...!" the girls giggled as they began to fawn over the dream boat that they were describing. This caught her attention and she looked up. Her eyes widened as she looked in the direction the girls were looking and saw the guy they were talking about. She couldn't believe it. Edd? Double D? The dork of the cul-de-sac? The weakling and brains of the troublesome trio?! That's who they were fawning over?!

What could possibly be going through their minds?! As much as she wanted to say anything, she knew deep down that she couldn't, fore she would only go against her own words. Sarah remembers a time where she did have a crush on Double D, dorky Double D to be precise. He had saved her over something trivial and she just, developed a crush on him. It was only puppy love for her agitation for him grew back just as quickly as it fell. But, now that the two girls mentioned it, it had been a good time since she actually had a good look at him. "Ugh swimmers are so hot." one girl said, causing the other one to agree. Swim team? Double D was a swimmer? Since when?! She continued to watch as Edd continued to mingle with the swim team, begging him to cheat off their homework. Now that she took a good look at him, Edd did mature now that she thought about it. He grew ever since he left middle school, and definitely became more...sculptured, is the correct term. His jawline was more prominent and she could easily tell that his strength grew just by how the other swimmers were jokingly pushing each other around. Her eyes widened as she caught her thoughts before they could imagine anything further. What was she doing?! Day dreaming?! About Edd?! No! She was not going to let history repeat itself!

Just then another figure decided to enter her field of vision and her blood began to boil with irritation. There standing "innocently" and "shyly" by Edd, grabbing his attention, was you. How it irked Sarah how you simply waltzed into the cul-de-sac unannounced and decided to woo everyone with your, in her words, fake bambi eyes. Then, all of a sudden an idea struck her pretty little mind. If you had the audacity to take Edd away, well, with his new attitude, she could easily woo him over. It was a pretty simple plan that would only leave you in tears and thus letting her sit in the victory throne where she truly belongs. A smirk graced her matte pink lips as she evilly glared at you and Edd casually walking out of the cafeteria. Well, this day wasn't going to be as boring as she thought it was.


It was close to lunch time and everyone was scattering to where they were going. Sarah had kept an eye on Edd and you and smirked as he leaned on the lockers outside of the classroom. She had to admit, this new demeanor of Double D was really attractive. Quickly fixing her long straight ginger hair, she made sure she looked presentable before sauntering over to the rebellious looking teen. "Hey Double D! Long time no see!" she grinned, trying a "friendly" approach, however, there was no response. She blinked before she cleared her throat again and placed her hands on her hips. "Edd! Hey!" She grinned, however there was no response, his eyes focusing on the book he was reading. Guess old habits never change. Before Sarah could take a deep breath, someone cried her name. "Sarah!!" someone wailed. When she looked over, in a blink of an eye, she was tackled down by her older brother. "Ed!" She shrieked, as she landed on the floor.

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