Study Date

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Study dates were always common between you and Edd. The both of you helped each other with any homework you guys were assigned, regardless of the class and also benefiting with some quality time that didn't annoy the living hell out of each other, regardless if you guys lived in the same cul-de-sac. Today the both of you planned on studying up on some physics along with reviewing other classes. As you knocked on the door, you quietly waited with your backpack on your shoulder and your books in your hand, you heard a muffled voice from inside of Edd's house, asking who it was. "O-Oh! It's me Edd!" you called out, loud enough for him to hear.
"Oh, then come in! The door is opened." You heard him say. Hesitantly you walked in to the house, closing the door behind you. "Just chill in my room for now, I'm going to go take a shower." He added before you heard a door being closed.
"A-Alright." You said as you looked around. The house was honestly the cleanest you have ever seen. It was as if no one had stepped foot in it, let alone lived in it with all the spotless interior.

After taking off your shoes, since you remembered that Edd specifically said to not walk in the house with shoes on, you made your way up the stairs. You looked around, trying to figure out which one was his room, however to no avail. Finally, when you arrived to the second to the last door, you found his room. Cautiously you stepped in and awed at the sight. It was simple, yet at the same time, it screamed Edd. Band posters and unique science posters hung on his walls. A shelf that reached the ceiling were filled with mostly books of science and other literature he found interesting. On the second shelf, identical to the first by design, instead of being filled with books, it was filled with trophies and metals. Wanting to take a better look, you casually put your books on his desk and your backpack against it. As you walked closer to his trophy shelf, you realized that there were awards for multiple things, mostly academics and sportsman ship. You could've sworn he attended nearly all of them and all of them were in first place; the spelling bee, debate, literature, mathematics, engineering, science, the arts, swimming, you name it, he did it and won it. Every last one of them. "Goodness Edd you really are something." You said to yourself with a smile. "Well, I might as well unpack and get started on the assignment." You sighed before walking back to your bag and began to unpack, pulling out text books and other materials that were needed.

As you were lost in your own world, little did you know, nor hear the door opening and a certain someone walking in. "Oh hey, you actually found my room." You heard a voice. A yelp escaped your lips and you dropped your journal from the sudden voice. You looked over at the door and immediately your face turned red. There Edd stood casually in a pair of his signature black jeans and his cap on with a towel on his neck...shirtless. Yes, you swore you saw everything, but to see him shirtless, in his own house, not in swimming trunks or spandex but simply his jeans, with water glistening down his chiseled chest-.
"Bunny." you heard a voice call you again. Another yelp escaped your lips and you were snapped back into reality. "Y-Yes?" you replied back softly, praying that your face would stop increasing in heat.
"Oh ho~," Edd mused. "Is my little bunny checking me out? You little pervert~." He chuckled.

To be honest, you couldn't even stop him from what he was saying, because he was right. You were checking him out, however, you were to speechless to even say anything in response. "And admitting it too? What a day." He smirked, tossing his towel onto his chair and making his way over to you. "And you know what makes it even better?" he asked, his voice somehow getting lower and rather huskier. You leaned away slightly, bowing your head as in order to hide the blush that was growing redder in color on your face.
"W-what?" you asked, your voice as soft and quiet as bells as Edd leaned towards you, his handsome face nearly centimeters away from yours.
"I have my bunny all to myself in my very own room." He smirked before slamming his lips onto yours into a heated kiss.

Your eyes fluttered close, replying to his kiss with your own. Your hands that were once on your lap were now slowly cupping the back of his neck, your nimble fingers intertwining into his black hair that peeked out from his beanie. The both of you immediately were lost in your own world as you felt one of Edd's hand placed on your waist and the other one on your thigh. Your mind felt hazy, and time seemed to slow down. The room began to grow hotter yet at the same time you had shivers running up and down your spine. Studying seemed to be a distant memory as the both of you grew closer and closer to the point where your body was pressed against his chiseled one. His tongue expertly slipped into your own mouth and you felt as if you could melt. Your lungs screamed as you felt yourself and him move. The bed dipped and the next thing you knew, your legs were hitched onto his hips and he was hovered above you. Eventually the both of you pulled away in dire need of air as the both of you looked at each other. His face had a pink tint to it and you were fully aware that your face was as red as red could be.

"(Y/n)," Edd said in raspy and husky voice. You swore you were about to lose your mind as you heard him call your name in that voice. "you sure you want this." There was no doubt in your mind, of course you wanted it. You wanted to know what his skin felt like under your fingertips and feel his lips against yours again, however were you up to par with him? Shyly, you nodded, deciding to have full trust in how it was going to go. You felt his finger dig into your thigh as he pulled you closer, causing a small gasp to escape your lips as you laid flat on your back. "Just tell me when to stop." He said, nibbling on your now bruised bottom lip.
"W-wait..." you said softly, barely above a whisper as you looked up at him. Blue eyes met with your (e/c) ones, waiting for you to say what was on your mind. "C-can...can you turn off the lights?" you asked tentatively. He stared at you before chuckling.
"Alright." He hummed before raising his voice. "Alex," he called out.
"Yes sir?" you heard, causing a small squeak to escape your lips. A chuckle escaped Edd's lips as he looked toward his desk.
"Turn the lights off and shut the door."
"Yes sir." He said before the door was closed and the lights turned off.
"You can do that?" you asked in awe, looking up at him.
"Made him myself. Thought I'd bring Tony Stark's Jarvis to life." He hummed. "Now," he began. "where were we." He smirked before pressing his lips against yours and the both of you were back into the world filled gasps, heavy breathing and heat.

Back outside the cul-de-sac, Eddy and Ed were making a mad dash to Edd's house. "Oh boy is this scam gonna work!" Eddy grinned. "It's going to make us rich!!" Ed cheered and laughed as the both burst through Edd's door.
"Huh? Double D left his door unlocked." Ed said curiously.
"What the hell? Why did he do that?" Eddy asked as he looked around.
"Is Double D in danger?!" Ed asked worriedly.
"Of course, he isn't." Eddy said as he began to walk up the stairs and towards Edd's room.
"See he's probably doing some experiment!"
"With his lights off?" Ed asked curiously.
"He probably needs it to be dark. Anyways his stupid experiment is unimportant right now." Eddy said before he slammed the door open. "YO EDD! I GOT US A SCAM!!"

When Eddy looked around, he saw a sight that caused his jaw to drop on the floor while Ed looked absolutely confused. There they saw, Edd's bare back towards them and hovered above someone. Your eyes slowly fluttered open and immediately a loud yelp escaped your lips, causing you to immediately curl and hide behind Edd's body.
"I'm gonna murder them." Edd mumbled into your neck, gripping the sheets as he looked over and glared daggers into them.
"E-Edd..." you mumbled softly. "I-It's all right." You tried calming him down as he shook in anger while you fixed your sweater dress so that it showed less of your exposed shoulder and nearly exposed breast.
"I'm murdering you both." He growled.
"H-Hey now! We were just on our way man! And besides! I'm the hottest of the group, how the hell you get to fuck her and I don't?! I should be getting the girls-!"

"You're dead you shit head!" Edd shouted before he shoved a pillow over you and chased his friends around the house. You blinked as the hazy world the both of you built diminished and you sighed. You held the pillow close to you burying your face into it. You nearly did IT with Edd. You heard shouting outside and you slowly stepped towards the curtains of his window, which were surprisingly blocking all of the light. A small giggle escaped your lips as you watched the three scatter around the cul-de-sac, trying to escape the rampaging Edd. After you fixed yourself you, you saw your reflection in a mirror nearby. You gasped as you rushed over and inspected your neck and shoulder. "Oh my god...!" you gasped. Red spots and bite marks littered your skin and the more you tugged the neckline of your sweater down, more seemed to appear. "Edd...!" you groaned, covering your face. How in the world were you going to go home without getting in trouble?!

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