Ch 7

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Thank you thank you thank you for over 300 reads! It seems like nothing to some people, but it's honestly a great achievement for me. Last time I wrote a fanfic was over a year ago and that only got 4K. But anyway THANK YOUUUU!!!!
Now back to Lashton.

2 Months!

Welp sadly it is the night before school starts again.
And honestly, I'm not excited at all.
Even though I will be only going to school for the next 2 months.
Right now I'm laying in bed with Ashton trying to go to sleep.

"Hey Ash?" I whispered. I felt him turn over to look at me. Ash wrapped his arms around my waist and held me close.
"Yes babe?"
I shyly looked over at him.
"Are you scared? You know, when the babies come?"
He rested one of his hands on my cheek.
"Of course I am. I mean we're still young, we should be focusing on school and university. Starting a family definitely wasn't an option at this point. But I know we'll be alright. I mean you have me, your dads, Michael, Calum. I think we will be pretty awesome parents yeah? Awe baby why are you crying?" Ash used the pad on his thumb to wipe away my tears.
"No need to cry love. This is amazing. Your body is a gift, you're able to carry your own little ones. You are so beautiful love," He spoke as he kissed my nose gently. Ash kissed me one more time before we both fell into a deep slumber.


"Lukey... Sweets you gotta wake up."

I opened my eyes and saw Ashton laying right next to me.
He smiled. "Good morning love."
Before I went to respond I felt my stomach churn and bile running up my throat. I get up from the bed and run to the toilet with Ashton behind me.
I kept throwing up for what felt like forever. Once I stopped I kept dry heaving.
"Luke calm down there love. Just breathe." Ashton instructed.
I finally took a couple minutes to breathe right.
"You think your done?" He asked. I nodded not wanting to speak.
" are you sure you want to go to school? Your just stressing yourself even more than you are."
"I can't do that Ash. I'm not staying for whole year. Just a couple months until I start showing. I'll be okay." I reassured him as we both were changing into new clothing.
He sighed and slowly walked over to me. He set  his hand on top of my very small growing belly.
"What happens if you go into labor when I'm in school and I can't make it?" Ash asked worried.
I put my hand on top of his.
"We don't need to worry about this now. I'm only two months in. We have a long way to go before we worry about labor."
Ash pulled me into a tight hug, being careful for my tummy.
" we'll come on we have classes to go to now!" He cheered.


So the first day back to school was pretty nice. Ashton and Michael weren't in any classes with me because of the age difference. But luckily Calum was able to fill up his spots for me!

Thank god today went by quick! I wanted to go home and eat everything we had in the fridge.
Right now we're driving towards my house.

"It's a good thing you have a car if Luke will be poppin in a few months." Michael said.
"Poppin?" Ash asked.
"Yea, since Luke is having twins he's gonna be growing a little more. You can already see a small bump coming out now."
I put my hand on my stomach feeling a slight bump slowly starting to form.
"Also if he stays in school for the next two months, people are gonna notice. No 16 year old would have a belly like that unless they always got drunk and got a beer belly." Michael laughed again.
"We might consider having Luke out of school earlier, but that's if he wants to okay?" Ash snapped back.

Their talking like I'm not even there...

"Alright you to just shut up and walk." Cal argued.

When we got to my place it was oddly quiet until we heard my parents upstairs.

"Jack he's still a kid, he shouldn't be having kids right now!"

I tried calling out to them but I don't think they heard me.
I told the guys to wait downstairs while I go find them.
When I found them, they kept arguing back and forth.
"Alex he's our son. Sure he made a mistake but it will be alright. We still love Luke the same right?" I heard my dad talk.
"Of course I still do. But it was supposed to be just me and you. I didn't want to adopt a baby back then. I thought we were too young. Maybe at this time we could've adopted a baby when we had stable jobs and a good home."
I couldn't help but cry.
I guess I was a little too loud as both my dads turned around to see me in the hallway.
"Luke... I-" my dad (Alex) said.
"You don't love me anymore do you? Just because I'm a little different means you don't love me anymore." I cried out.
"No we still love you Luk-"
"Then why did you adopt a freak like me then huh? I know I'm not the perfect child, but I try for you! Isn't that enough? Just because I got pregnant accidentally means you need to treat me like a different person?!" I yelled out. No one responded, not even my dad (Jack) said anything. Just stared in shock.
I didn't want to hear any of their excuse so I ran out of the house.
I kept running and I didn't know where I was going.

But I didn't stop.

OOOO drama! What do you think is going to happen?

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