Ch 10

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Luke's P.O.V

3 months, one week

A few weeks have passed, and everything seemed to have cooled down.
Ashton is still living with me and my dads, Michael and Calum come over more than they usually have. And right now we are working on the nursery!
Jeez I already sound like a mother.
We decided to go a bit earlier than usual, just to be prepared. But this is a lot harder speaking we don't know the genders yet.
But Ash and I agreed only the two of us would know and keep it a secret from everyone else.
So right now my dads and I are out shopping for furniture and clothing. Ashton would've come but I insisted he went to school without me today.
"Luke do you want the baby's in one giant crib, or two cribs?" My dad (Alex) asked.
"I guess one crib. I want them to grow up together." I said. And they nodded.
So the whole situation with my dad and the babies has finally settled.
Over the course of a few weeks, my dad has learned to be more accepting towards me and the babies.
Speaking of babies. My stomach has grown a lot. My belly was now noticeable when I wear a tight shirt. And sadly because of this, I don't fit into my skinny jeans anymore. So sweatpants for nearly 6 more months!
"Oi, stop spacing out." My dad (Jack) laughed.
I rolled my eyes and continued to look for baby stuff.
When we got home, it was around the time Ashton was finished with school.
Right now my dads are working on the babies room while I fold with their little clothes in my room.
While doing so, I heard someone come inside from downstairs.
"Luke?" I heard Ash call.
I yelled back saying I was upstairs.
"Hey baby. Oh what you got there?" He came over to me and looked at some of the clothes I picked out.
I lifted up one pair of the outfits I picked out. One says 'Rock' and the other says 'Roll'.

 One says 'Rock' and the other says 'Roll'

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Ash chuckled.
"Babe this is great!"
He put the clothes down and helped me fold the rest.
After a few minutes, my dads came into the room.
"Alright, we only got the dresser done, we'll do the crib tomorrow. Now go put those clothes away." My dad (Alex) said to us.
I was going to get up from the bed but I felt Ashton's one hand on my back while the other was holding my hand.
"Ash what are you doing? I can do this on my own." I reassured him.
"Luke your belly is getting bigger every week. Which reminds me, we have to take our weekly photos!" He exclaimed. He quickly grabbed the camera that was sitting on the beside table and told me to stay still as he pulled up my shirt halfway exposing my small belly.
Every week Ashton takes out my Polaroid camera and takes a picture of my bump.
He insisted, he wants to remember every moment of the babies lives even if their not born yet.
After we were done Ash helped me carry the clothes to the nursery.
While putting the clothes away in the small dresser, I felt arms wrapped around my waist.
I looked beside me to see Ashton smiling. He placed his head on my shoulder as he rubbed my protruding belly.
"Not too long until we find out the genders yeah?" Ash whispered.
I nodded. "Do you still want girls?"
He looked over at me, into my eyes.
"It doesn't matter what I want, I'm not the one carrying them. It's out of our control with what we get. We just have to make sure their both healthy. That's all that should matter."
I agreed.
We stood in the same spot for a little bit before my dad (Alex) called down for dinner.
"Cmon love. You gotta take your medicine before you eat." Ashton reminded me.
Just when we were heading down the stairs, Michael and Cal burst into the front doors.
"We got pizza!" Michael yelled.
"Mike we already made dinner you dingus."
My dad (Alex) laughed.
Michael shrugged as he made his way to the kitchen with Calum following behind.
"Well if any of you want some, there might be some left. Unless If I finish it." Mike called out.
We laughed as the rest of us headed to the dinner table.
Dinner was silent while we were all digging into our food.
"So, Luke when's your next appointment?" My dad (Jack) asked.
"Um, I think in like 3 weeks. Why do ask?"
He shrugged.
"Just wanted to know. Is that when you find out the genders?" He asked again.
I nodded.
"Yes, but only Ash and I will know. The rest of you guys have to find out when their born." I placed my hand on the top of my belly slowly rubbing it.
"Awe cmon that's not fair!" I hear Michael and Calum from the kitchen.
I look behind me to see them walking towards us with pizza in their hands.
"Why don't we get to know?! Cmon Luke!" Mike said.
I shook my head.
"Ugh, Ash why not?!" He said again.
"It was mine and Luke's idea. We want to keep it a secret. So in the mean time, you guys can guess it. But we won't give any hints." Ash said as he finished the last of his plate.
Michael gave a glare as he went back into the kitchen grabbing Cals hand.
We cleaned up the table and all of us decided for a movie night.
The six of us were in groups of two.
We didn't mean for it to happen, it just did. Don't judge.
It was my dads on one side of the couch,
Me and Ash in the middle, then Mike and Cal were together at the other end.
As if we weren't full enough, Mike got popcorn and soda for us.
Sadly I couldn't have that, so I sticked to water.
We decided on the movie If I Stay.
I've seen it so many times and I still sob throughout the film.
Halfway through the movie I looked at Ashton, to see all his attention is towards the movie.
I placed my hand on top of Ashton's chest as I cuddled into him.
I felt a kiss on the top of my head and I look up to see Ash smiling down at me.
"I love you." He whispered.
"I love you too." I replied back.
Ash quickly kissed my lips, and soon turned to a mini make out session.
"Hey! We're trying to watch a movie here!" I hear Michael yell.
I laughed and sticked my tongue out at him as he returned the gesture.
Finally the movie had ended, and surprisingly I wasn't tired. I sat up and saw that only my dads were asleep and looked Over and Michael and Calum to see them in a nice cuddle.
"Guys, let's go upstairs." I said.
Mike and Cal got up quickly and both ran up the stairs, while Ashton helped me stand up.
"Ash, I'm fine. I don't need help until I get a lot bigger."
He shook his head.
"Too bad. I promised you I would help you throughout these 9 months, and I am keeping that promise. I'm going to make sure you and the babies are safe." By the time he was done I had tears streaming down my face.

Damn hormones.

I wiped my tears as we both our way back into our room.
I remembered that Ashton hasn't seen his mother since the incident a while back, and it kind of upsets me.
Not only the fact that she hates my guts. But the fact that she won't settle her and Ashton's differences.
Maybe I'll talk to him about it later.
When we went into the room, Cal and Michael were messing around with my guitars I had in the room.
"Luke you play!" Michael told me.
"No no no. I haven't played in months, I doubt I remember anything I learned."
Michael stood up and came over to me with the guitar.
"Play." He demanded, handing me the guitar.
I grabbed the guitar as I sat down on the edge of the bed.
"Uh. What do you want me to play?" I asked.
"Blink!" Michael yelled.
"Fine, fine"
I plucked the strings to get used to the rhythm of the tuning and the fingering.
My slow pace turned into a full rhythmic tune.
"Yes!" Michael yelled again knowing the song I was playing.
I saw Ash grab his cajon and played along to the song. Michael grabbed the other acoustic guitar and join in also, while Calum did the vocals.

"Hello there,
the angel from my nightmare.
The shadow in the background of the morgue.
The unsuspecting victim of darkness in the valley.
We can live like Jack and Sally if we want
Where you can always find me.
And we'll have Halloween on Christmas
And in the night we'll wish this never ends
We'll wish this never ends..."

When we finished, we all looked at each other smiling.
"Damn we're good! See this is why we should join a band!" Mike called out.
"Mike we've told you this before. We don't think this whole 'band' idea is going to work. Especially with the babies. It would be amazing, but I don't think now is a good time." Ash told Mike. Michael paced around the room a bit thinking and suddenly he stopped.
He snapped his fingers. "What if I come up with a name?" Mike said.
"Ash this is my dream. This is our dream. You just said it, it would be amazing to do a successful band. Just think, in a few more years when the babies are older, they can come with us on tours and play around and travel!" He pleaded. "Ash just give this a chance. We can post covers on YouTube and we can see how it goes from here." He got on his knees and went in front of Ashton giving him the puppy eyes.
Ashton groaned.
"Alright fine! Come up with a good name soon and we'll think about it."
Michael cheered as he danced around the room.
"Wait, what about when my belly gets bigger. I mean it's already hard enough to hold the guitar now." I told them.
Michael pointed at me excitedly.
"We can hide your bump! It's easy!" He said.
I sighed as I agreed.
About an hour later, it was really late at night and we all got tired. Michael and Calum went downstairs back into the living room to sleep, and hopefully not wake up my dads. While Ash and I got settled into our own bed.
Ash laid down on the bed and started using his phone for a little while. I was starting to fall asleep when I thought of earlier.
"Hey Ashton?" I asked.
I fiddled around with my fingers.
"When are you going to talk to your mum again?"
He sighed.
"Luke, I don't think I can. With the way she talked to about you and the babies were disgusting. I don't think I could ever speak to her again after that."
I sat up.
"Ash you need to talk to her. As much as I love having you here 24/7. You really need to talk to her. She's your mother. Maybe if we talk to her alone without any yelling, and arguing, maybe she will accept us." I told him.
"I want you and the babies to be safe. Luke please don't make me talk to her. I hated the way she said you guys were freaks. She doesn't like the fact that I'm gay and I got my boyfriend pregnant with twins. Luke she will never accept it." He cried.
I saw small tears run down his face as his bottom lip trembled.
I pulled him closer towards me as he sobbed in my chest. It made my heart break into billions of pieces.
"Okay fine, I won't make you talk to her anytime soon. But soon you will have to. I know your scared, and I am so sorry about that. But no matter what, she is going to be a grandma. She can't change that."
I heard Ashton sniffle.
"She hates me."
I lifted his head off of me and made him face me.
"Ashton Fletcher Irwin. Your mother does not hate you. It is impossible to hate such an amazing person like you. You are absolutely perfect. Your mother loves you, my dads love you, Mike and Cal love you, I love you." I placed his hand on my belly. "These babies love you so much. You helped create them. They love you endlessly. You are going to be the best father ever to these children. No matter what they are you are going to help them grow into beautiful or handsome people." He could it hold it in any longer and sobbed once more into my chest.
I rubbed his back trying to calm him down.

Finally after a little while, he tired himself out and fell asleep on top of me. His hand still on top of my small belly.
"I love you so much." I kissed his head and fell asleep.


DAMN WAS THIS A LONG CHAPTER! Over 2000 words, that's the longest I've ever written.
I hope you all liked this long filler!
And again don't forget to give me suggestions you want in this book.
Bye bye!

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