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A/N at the end!!!

3 months later...

Third P.O.V

"Alright you guys got everything?" Karen, Michaels mom asked the boys as they all carried two large suitcases each. Besides Luke of course since he held both babies in carriages.

The boys nodded waiting to be departed to their new lives in England where awaited their future.

"Luke, you have all of the babies necessities packed up in your bag or in their own bag?" Alex questioned. Luke nodded as he tried to keep his grip on two babies, a bag for him and a bag for his children.

"Flight 413 to London England is now boarding"

The boys all looked at eachother, then their parents for the last time in over a year till they reunite again.

Each boy gave their parents and siblings a hug before going in separate directions.

Luke had carefully put down the babies as he went to hug his fathers goodbye.

"I don't want to leave." He sobbed. "I'm not ready to do this."
Alex and Jack looked down at their son with such awe and admiration, that they agreed with Luke's decision on staying, but knew that this is what the young boy has always wanted.

"You'll be okay. Ashton, Michael and Calum will all have your back. And if there is a real emergency you can call us and we will be on the next flight there okay?" Jacked told Luke.
Luke didn't speak as he gripped onto his fathers shirt like a child not wanting to let go.

Behind Luke was Ashton saying goodbye to his mother and siblings.

"Now that I'm leaving for a bit, it's your guys' turn to take care of mum and the house. And most importantly, yourselves. You guys can always call me for help if you need to. I'll only be gone for a year okay?" He told his younger siblings who cried for him to stay.
Ashton tried his best to stay strong for his family, but he knew it was his time to go on his own.

Michael and Calum had said their goodbyes to their parents and got the normal lecture to "not do anything stupid, stay out of trouble and have fun."
They haven't came out to their parents yet because they were not exactly in a "relationship" at the moment.!
More of a friends with benefits type of thing.

Flight 413 to London, England last call.

The boys picked up their bags and babies and carried onto their new life away from their parents.
No rules, no parents to control them. Just 4 teenage boys and 2 rustling little babies all on their own, ready to begin for whatever the future will hold.

"Can we do this?" Michael asked.

They all looked at eachother with the same expression.

"Who knows." Ashton spoke. "Lets just see what awaits for us in England."

Minutes later they all got onto the plane.
Michael, Calum, and baby Logan on one side and Ashton, Luke, and baby Caylen on the other side.

"You guys ready?" Luke asked.

Michael glanced out the window to see the plane just taking flight.

"Nope. But who really is?"

The two couples looked down at the babies that sat between them and they already started to cry.

"This is going to be a long flight."


And that my friends is the end of Too Young! I really hoped you like it because.......
The sequel is called Now what? I will upload the first chapter/ prologue in just a few minutes so make sure you add that story to your library.

The whole setting I wanted to have for Now What? Is going to be where 5SOS was during 2015-2016 where they tour on their own and face a lot of external drama.
I already have a few ideas in mind, but if you'd like you can suggest anything you want that could be added in the sequel once it's up.

Thank you to whoever stuck through 26 chapters of drama, mpreg, crazy ships, arguments and all that jazz 🙌🏻

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