Ch 5

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Thank you for 100 views! OMFG! I haven't wrote an actual fanfic in the longest time so I'm still getting used to this whole thingy. But thank you for reading anyway!

Lukes P.O.V

4 weeks!

Well it's been less than 24 hours since I found out I was pregnant with twins, and Ashton still hasn't answered my texts and calls. But thankfully my dad (Alex) came home last night.
He hasn't talked to me either which scares the hell out of me. I'm so happy that at least one of my parents cares and supports me on this. But it would be nice to have both of their support.

I looked down at my flat belly. "Hi babies. I know you can't hear me, I wanted to tell you know how much I love you two. You were definitely not planned. But I'm so excited to meet you. I'm hoping your other dad would be here to help. I'm also hoping your grandpa could accept you too. I just want everything to be okay, you know?" I kept rubbing my stomach as I looked over by my door to see Ashton there.
"How much did you hear?" I asked.
"All of it really. Can I come in?" He asked shyly.
I nodded and scooted over to the other side of my bed.
Ashton sat on the edge of the bed while playing with his hands.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry for ignoring you. I was just really scared." He explained.
"And you think I wasn't? Ash I'm 16 and pregnant with twins. I'm terrified!"
Ash grabbed my hands in his.
"Trust me I know that. I'm so sorry Luke. The worst thing I could have done was run off, and I did that. I'm the worst boyfriend ever. And now father. These kids won't love me. I'm going to mess up, and I don't want my own kids to hate me. That's why I was terrified." He cried out.
I pulled him into a hug as he cried on my shoulder.
"Ash it's okay. The babies won't hate you. Your going to be the greatest dad ever. And your the greatest boyfriend ever. These babies are going to love you to death." I put his hand on my flat stomach.
"There are two little babies in here that love you more than you think."
He smiled as he pressed his lips to mine and then kiss my tummy.
"I love you two so much." He mumbled and kiss my tummy once more and looked back at me.
"God, do I love you." He pressed lips against mine again. We pulled apart and rested our heads together.
"Cmon love, you look tired let's get you to bed so you can take a nap yeah?" Ashton asked.
I nodded and he put me and himself under the covers and cuddled.
Just as I was about to fall asleep I heard a loud bang from downstairs.
I looked over at Ashton to see him awake too.
"Alex are you drunk?!" I heard my dad yell.
I started shaking because I was so scared.
I've never seen either of my dads drunk so anything could happen.
"It's all my fault Jack! My own son doesn't love me anymore. I'm the worst damn father ever! I bet you hate me too huh?!" My other dad yelled. Ashton and I went to the top of the stairs to hear a little better.
"Alex I promise you, Luke doesn't hate you. He still loves you. And I still love you too. You made a mistake yesterday by walking out when Luke needed you most. But you can still make it up to him yeah?" My dad (Jack) told him.
"He hates me. I can never forgive myself for what I did!" My dad (Alex) yelled again.
I decided it was best if I went downstairs to try to calm down my dad.
"I'll be right here okay?" Ashton whispered.
I nodded and headed downstairs.
"Dad?" I asked.
Both of my dads turned towards me with shock. I saw my dad (Alex) with beating red eyes and tears streaming down his face.
"L-Luke I'm so so sorry. I love you so damn much. And I know you will be a great father to these babies. I was an ass for leaving you yesterday and It was so wrong of me. As a parent, I should've supported you. I understand if you hate me, because I hate myself for what I did." He cried.
I shook my head and gave him a hug.
"Dad it's fine. As long as your here now everything will be fine." I told him.
That night all 4 of us decided on a movie night!
We picked out Inside out, since none of us has seen it yet.

My dad (Jack) brought in the popcorn, and my other dad brought the soda. But sadly I couldn't have some so I sticked to water.
When the movie started, everyone was settled down. My dads cuddling with each other while Ash and I did the same.
I felt his hand on top of my tummy rubbing it softly. I looked up at Ash and saw him smiling down at my stomach. He kissed my head and focused back on the movie.
Halfway through the movie I felt a little bit tired. I didn't want to move because I felt lazy, so I snuggled more into Ashton than I already am.

"You tired babe?" Ash whispered to me. I nodded back. He giggled.
"Want me to bring you upstairs?" He asked again.
"No it's okay. Let's just stay down here tonight yeah?"
Ash moved over a little bit so we were both able to lay down comfortably.
I heard snores coming from the other side of the room and saw both of my dads passed out next to each other.

"Hey Ash?" I asked. Ashton looked down at me. "Yeah babe?"
"Uh what are we going to do about school? I don't know if I want to be there when I start to show." I felt Ashton's hands move towards my back and bring me closer to him.

"We will need to talk to your parents about that. But just know that I will be on your side with any decision you make okay?" I nodded.
"Wait, what about your mum? We do need to tell her she's going to be a grandma! Have you even seen her since school ended?!" I rushed out.

Ash chuckled. "I don't know what she will say Lukey. Yes your right we do need to tell her. I promise we will go tomorrow if you would like to go tell her." He suggested.

"That would be great. But let's sleep now okay?" I laughed quietly.
"Just the words I wanted to here. Goodnight babe." He kissed my lips then moved down to my stomach.

"Goodnight babies. I love you." He kissed my stomach which tickled a bit.

We finally went to bed while Inside Out was playing in the background.

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