Ch 12

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A/N at the end!

Lukes P.O.V

4 months!

Great things has happened this past few weeks.
We posted the bands first cover on YouTube, I started homeschooling not too long ago, and the babies keep growing and growing.

Speaking of babies... We're finding out the gender today!
But of course Ash and I had to be a pain in the ass and not tell anyone the genders.

So right now the both of us were at the doctors for my monthly checkup.
"I'm so excited." Ash said smiling.
I looked down at my fairly large belly.
"Yeah me too." I agreed.
After a few more minutes, the doctor finally came in.
"Hello boys! How are you? How are the babies?" He introduced.
"We're good, babies are doing great." Ashton said.
"I can defiantly see a size difference since last month yeah?" The doctor took out a stethoscope and placed it on my belly as I laid down.
"Yep! The heart beats are regular. Size is about right. And everything looks perfect." The doctor sat down on his chair and took some notes. He then took out the ultra sound machine and got some of the gel.
"Remember this is going to be cold." I flinched as he smears the gel and places the wand on my belly.
I looked up at the monitor to see my little babies.
"I can defiantly identify the genders just from looking."
I saw Ashton smile widely as did I.

"You boys are having..."


"So are you going to tell us?!" Michael yelled.
It's been at least 5 minutes since we got home from the doctors and we've been bombarded with questions ever since.
"Michael for the millionth time, we can't tell you the genders. You guys need to find out when their born." I explained.
"I don't care how many times you tell me! I want to know!"
Ashton sighed.
"It would be unfair to everyone else."
Michael huffed and slouched himself onto my bed.
"Calum you still love me right?" He asked Cal since he was right next to him.
"Yes Mikey I do." He laughed.
Things between them has gotten better.
Calum still never told Michael he was gay, but I'm sure Michael is getting suspicious.

After many hours of arguing about the genders, eating out our weights and cuddling on the couch while watching Disney movies. Michael and Calum went home and Ashton and I were heading to bed.
I said goodnight to my parents as they went into their room.
"I can't wait till these little ones start kicking." I said as I rubbed my tummy.
Ashton laid down on the bed and cuddled up to me.
"I know, me too. It still amazes me that there are two small humans growing inside of you." Ash sat up and straddled me, being careful of my bump. He gave a small peck on my stomach, then looking back up at me. He smiled and leaned up towards me and kissed me. We pulled away and set our foreheads together.
"You're so beautiful you know that?" Ash said.
I shook my head.
"I'm not beautiful."
"Why are you putting yourself down? Luke you are so damn beautiful and your glowing!"
I dropped my head not wanting to look at Ashton.
He got up from the bed and came over to me.
"Come" he said as he held out his hand for me.
I shakily took his hand and he led me over to the mirror.
He let go of my hand and stood behind me with his hands set on my waist.
After a few seconds of silence he was the first one to speak.
"You know what I see?"
I nodded.
"I see a beautiful boy who doesn't know his potential. He doesn't know how amazing and lovable he is. He doesn't know that he has so much talent and he is adored." He then placed his hands on my belly. "He doesn't know that these two little babies that he holds, loves him so much." By now I had tears streaming down my face. He then turned my around to face him.
"Luke, so many people love you, you shouldn't be so down on yourself. You are the best thing that's happened to me. Without you, I wouldn't have the greatest boyfriend, I wouldn't have two amazing babies on the way, I would've had nowhere to go when my mum kicked me out."
I sobbed into his neck and he held me.
He then brought me over to the bed as we cuddled until I calmed down and fell asleep.


While Ashton went to school, I was going to visit his mum.
Yes I know it's not the best idea. But it has to be done and it can't be avoided any longer.
I had my dad(Alex) drive me over and had him wait outside.
I knocked on the door and waited for Anne to answer. I had a picture of the recent ultra sound in my hands.
After a few seconds, I was going to give up. But I saw someone open the door.
"What are you doing here?" Anne asked harshly.
" I uh wanted to talk. Please Anne."
She huffed. "You got 5 minutes."
I smiled and entered the house.
It looked the same since Ashton left.
"Alright Luke what do you want?" Anne asked.
"You need to let Ashton back into your life. He needs you and you need him. I know this whole situation of him being gay and becoming a father in 5 months is big news. But he needs you. And so do the babies." I said as I handed her the ultra sound.
She looked down at the picture with an unreadable expression.
"He hasn't been the same since he left. He needs his mother. I can tell he's terrified right now with everything going on."
She stopped looking at the photos and cried into her hands.
I didn't know what to do, so I sat down on the couch across right next to her. I then placed a hand on her back rubbing it reassuringly.
"I know this is a lot to take in. And I'm so sorry for all this to pile on top of you, you don't deserve it." I calmly said.
"He hates me. I didn't mean anything I said, it was just in the moment. I didn't know how to react. I'm sorry Luke. You are in no way shape or form are freaks or disgusted, as goes the babies. I'm really excited for them to be born. I even bought a little outfit for them. I wanted to give it to you two but I didn't think I would ever talk to you or Ashton after what I did." She cried.
I nodded. "I forgive you. I understand where your coming from because my dad was not the most supportive person. But he then came to his senses and accepted that he was going to be a grandfather at a young age. I was hoping you would come around too."
She looked up at me and nodded. "I'm so proud of you and Ashton, I was so upset that he would leave you and not take responsibility."
She looked down at my bump.
"May I?" She asked.
"Absolutely." I said smiling.
She carefully placed her hands on my belly and felt the babies move a little bit.
"Oh my god" she gasped and started to cry a little bit.
"Luke, if it's okay. I would like to be in yours and the babies life. What I did was wrong and I'm so sorry. It hasn't been the same without Ashton here. Lauren and Harry are mad at me and their upset they don't get to see his brother anymore. Please Luke." She pleaded.
"That would be amazing Ann- Mrs. Irwin." I said.
She laughed. "You can call me Anne. It's okay."
We then hugged, being careful with my bump.
"Wait what about Ashton?" She asked.
I sighed.
"I know he will be mad at me, but I'll talk to him either when he gets home or tonight."
She nodded. "Can I keep this?" She asked about the ultra sound.
I nodded.
She then thanked me and I left.
I saw outside that my dad was still outside in the car. He looked over at me and smiled.
"I'm guessing it went well?" He asked.
I placed my hand on my bump.

"Yeah I think we're okay."


Hello people!
So I need your help.
I'm going to need a few babies names.
So comment one girl and and one boy name and I will choose 3 from each gender and pick when it's time for them to be born!
Oke doke!
Bye bye!!!!

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