Chapter 6-Rude Awakenings

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Everything was black. And when I opened my eyes, vision was blurry. Suddenly, water was splashed in my face.
"Get up, you son of a bitch. Explain to me what the hell just happened."
"Hell if I know, you're the bastard who punched me. You explain!"
"Oh, I'll explain alright, You attacked me!"
"God... I'm sorry. Did I hurt you!?"
"Yeah. But... I'm fine." He showed me a cut on his arm and on the side of his face. "Heh. That's gonna leave a few scars. But like I said, I'm fine."
"I'm so sorry. I don't know what happened. Literally. I don't even remember what happened."
"Damn. I can't lie. It hurts like hell, but I'll live. Heh. Don't worry about what happened, we're both okay and that's what matters."
"Yeah but, I've still gotta go. I can't leave Miles behind. I might never be back. You know that, right."
"It seems I can't stop you. But I can go with you. "
"I couldn't ask you to do that, Drake. Your place is here."
"Screw that. I'm an adventurer like you. It's what we do." He said with a smile. "Come on, get up. Let's bandage my arm and get going."

A couple hours later, we set off. A journey through the jungle was no easy task. Especially when you've made powerful enemies, like I have. I warned Kidd of the pirates.
"Ha. Those idiots are still at it!? Don't worry, I've dealt with those bastards before. I... We can handle it."
"Thanks, Kidd. I'm glad that you've got my back. Especially after yesterday. Today? I have no idea when this happened. Heh. I guess that makes it somewhat easier to deal with the guilt."
"Eh. Don't worry about it. Water under the bridge. I just... Wish that this never happened. I could do without the scars but. Heh. I guess the scars are what remind us that we're human, what's your input, Luke?"
"I've got my fair share of scars too. Heh. I guess you're right about that."
We walked until dusk, and we arrived at my old campsite. It seemed to be destroyed in search of something.
"What the hell? You do this after you knocked me out?"
"What? No! I got what I came for, and left."
"Then someone was here. And I have a hunch that I know who." In unison we both said, "The pirates."
"Then it looks like we're going on a pirate hunt." Kidd said with a smile.
"Nice. C'mon. I know where they're hiding at."
We ran into the forest and went straight to the cave with the iron gate.

Wow. Luke and Kidd, Best friends for life! Just kidding. But hold onto your hats, because Arc II is only just beginning. There is so much more to come. So strap in! Anyway, leave a comment, and I'll see you guys in the next chapter. Papyrus out, NYEH HEH HEH!!!!!!!

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