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Hey guys! Welcome back to another chapter. This is the beginning of the Third story arc, and I'm super excited. With out further delay, Let's move on to the story.
(The Next Day)

I put out the fire, and grabbed my satchel.
"Are you guys ready to go?" I asked.
"Yeah, but why do you want to go back there?" Kidd responded.
"I've got a plan."
"Let him do whatever he has to. I'll support him to the end." Damien said.
"I'll always have your back." Miles responded.
We walked for hours to get there, occasionally stopping for me to rest. Losing an arm really knocks the wind out of you. We finally made it, scrap metal all over the ocean, it was perfect. My plan was able to be carried out without any trouble. I began to swim out in the open water.
"Hey! Wait!" Kidd tried to stop me, but I didn't listen. I was determined to get all the usable pieces that I could. After about an hour, I had everything I needed.
"Okay...? You got your junk, now what?"
"We go home. Back to camp, come on."
Once we were home, it was already dark.
"By the way," I asked. "What happened to Xylos?"
"Don't know. That damn creature escaped, who knows where it is!" Damien answered.
Everyone went to bed shortly after. I could begin my work. I stoked the fire, and used it as a forge. Without a mold, I had to work quickly. Under a cover of darkness, I forged a powerful weapon. An arm. Next, I melted down the golden knives and turned them into a blade attachment to the metal arm. Next, I had to create some leather straps to attach it to my body. Of course, it was a little more complicated than it seems, but by dawn, I had a fully functional arm replacement.
The next day, the group awakened to find me putting the finishing touches on my masterpiece.
"Woah..." Kidd gaped awe.
"Damn..." Damien said. "Nice work."
"Hey guys, you might want to hear this." Miles said.
Apparently, they had set up my radio to a weather station, the only one they could find.
A freak hurricane has picked up in the Mid-Pacific ocean. Reports say that it's like nothing the Earth has ever seen...
Static cut off the rest of the message. I knew instantly what it was. Xylos was on the move, it had to be. But why?  We had to get to it, and destroy it.
"Men... We're building a boat."

I hope you guys enjoyed that chapter, leave a comment if you did. I'll see you guys in the next chapter! Papyrus out! NYEH HEH HEH!!!!

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