Chapter Seven-Student Becomes Master

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Hey guys! Papyrus, here. First of all, this chapter is pretty much filler, to show how Luke is progressing in his training. So... Sorry 'bout that :P. Anyway, go on. Don't let me keep you here any longer. See you at the bottom. *flushes self down toilet*

In the heat of battle, one's composure means everything. Without being calm, you can't expect to win. For some reason, those words echoed in my mind. Like a memory, long forgotten. I couldn't remember who said that to me, but whoever did, was a genius.
As my training progressed, so did my skill. I was in the middle of a spar with Kidd, when I remembered those words. Drake rushed at me, and I lowered my body to flip him over my back, but at the last second, he slid and took out my legs. I fell with a thud.
"Dammit, Kidd! The hell was that!?" I said.
"In battle, you must be prepared for anything. C'mon, let's try that again."
As I prepared for him to charge, I thought to myself to roll aside when he slides. What I expected came true, as Kidd slid for my legs again. But this time, I was ready. I rolled to the left, and picked him up.
"Gah!" Kidd exclaimed.
I drew a practice knife and stabbed him.
"Well I'll be damned. You did it. You beat me. Well done, Luke." He said, brushing off the dust.
"Yeah... YEAH! I did it!"
"Okay, okay. But can you do it again? This time, it will be a bit more like real fighting. Can you handle it?" He asked.
"Hell yeah, I can. Get ready."
I squared up, and prepared for what ever happened. Just then, the world flashed a golden color. I foresaw what Kidd was about to do, even before he did it. In my vision, he drew a knife and ran at me, ducked, and stabbed my abdomen. So all I had to do was duck, flip him onto his back, and take the knife. Then what?
Well, what ever this 'instinct' was, it was pretty damn accurate. Everything I saw, came true. I took the knife from him, and received another vision. In this vision, he rolled away and drew his gun. So, I had to swipe his gun or draw mine. I dropped the knife, and drew my pistol, right as Kidd went to roll to the right.
"If this were real, you'd be full of lead right now. Safe to say that I win, eh?"
"Damn... How'd you do it? I always win. Not to say that this isn't great." He corrected himself.
"Well, I'll let you in on a secret. It's kinda hard to explain, but I just received visions of what was about to happen. If that makes sense."
"Hm... Interesting. Let's try something tomorrow morning."
"Ummm...?" I glanced at him with a confused expression. Did that mean what I thought it did?
"NOT LIKE THAT, YOU MORON! Just... Meet me in the forest in the morning." He looked embarrassed. "God... Idiot." He mumbled.
I pretended not to hear him mumbling.
We went to sleep. But then, I had a strange dream.

Hey guys, I'm back. Wow. Let me just take a minute to say thanks. For 40 readers on this story. Honestly, I didn't expect even 1. This is awesome and I want to thank each and every one of you. This means a lot. Anyway, if you liked the chapter, leave a comment and a like. Or don't. Whatever.  Sorry about the filler, I kinda had to add in a new ability for Luke, and couldn't think of another way. The next chapter is also kinda of filler, but hold on. I'm getting ready for something HUGE! Alright, Papyrus out. NYEH HEH HEH!!!!!

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