Chapter Eighteen- Hell

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Hey guys! I'm going to keep this brief, so you guys don't get bored. This chapter will be either incredibly short, or long. Depending on how I decide to write it, so I apologize in advance. See you all at the bottom! *Walks down nonexistent stairs*

"Wake up, bitches. Welcome to Hell."

I instantly awoke at these words. Shit... Damien's training. I almost forgot.

"Damn... Five more minutes, dude." Kidd said, drifting back to sleep.

"Like hell. Get up. Now."

"Fiiiiiiine..." He complained.

"Listen up, maggots. You are in MY domain now. If you don't like it, go fuck yourself. Any questions?"

"Yeah, how about-" Miles started, but was immediately cut off by a punch in the face.

"Anyone else?" Damien asked.

Everyone fell silent, for fear of the same treatment.

"Good. Lets begin. Drop and give me forty! Sixty seconds! Move, move, move!!!"

We all dropped to the ground and began doing push-ups. This sucked, but it was necessary. When we were finished, Damien shook his head.

"Eighty seconds!? You pussies would never survive. Again!"

We repeated the exercise twice after that, and it was still displeasing towards him.

"Wow. You guys did great! FOR A BUNCH OF WEAKLINGS! You're all hopeless. Goddamn. Can I get a crew of people that don't fucking suck?"

"You know what!? Screw you, man! We're doing our best!" I snapped.

"Fuck your 'best'! I need perfection. Your best isn't good enough! Sorry if you can't handle training, but I won't let you get off without training. I won't lose you! None of you! Maybe I'm too hard, but... God. I'm doing this for YOU!"

"Damn..." That was all I could say.

We continued our training. Push-ups, sit-ups, anything you could think of. We did it, and we did it quickly. We could only fear what approached. The storms got worse, the ground shook, and we were stuck with it. The end was coming. We were out of time.

Hey guys! Sorry for the slow update. I would say I was busy, but that'd be a load of bull. So, I'm gonna be frank. I was lazy, heh, I didn't want to write. But I'm done, and I'm going to try and write another tonite. Let's see how that goes. I hope you enjoyed, and as always, stay awesome. Papyrus out, NYEH HEH HEH!!!!

Update: Yeah, on second thought, I'm tired. It's past midnight, I'm tired, screw being awake. I need sleep. Goodnight everybody. Unless you're reading this at another time.

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