Chapter Twenty- The Battle Part 1

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Hey guys! Welcome to part 1 of the finale. This is the conclusion of the story, and I hope you enjoy it. Maybe then, I could start work on the next one. Also, since I'm getting Wifi soon(or by the time this goes up, I'll already have it), I'm going to do a QnA. To answer any questions you might have. Or maybe not. I don't really know yet. Anyway, LET US COMMENCE THE BATTLE!!

As the light of dawn broke across the clear sky, we marched on, towards a possible demise. It was a risky mission, but one that had to be done. For if not us, then who? The air smelled of smoke and destiny on this day. The day we trained for. The day we feared. The day that we prepared for, and yet could never prepare enough for. At least, if it came to it, I could die happy. Amongst friends and family. Although death by giant demon would be horrible and excruciating not only for me, but the entire planet. For our opponent, was Xylos the Devourer. Ancient demon and tormentor of those on this island. But now, it was my obligation and quest, to destroy him forever.

And yet, I wish this had not happened. I wouldn't wish this fate upon myself or anyone. Playing the hero is not a fitting role. But now, after all this time, it did not matter. I had to do this. For everyone on Earth, I will win.

The air was crisp this morning. The breeze was cool, and the sky... Dark. Like the smoke of a blazing inferno. This... This was Xylos. The clouds and storm, swirling with fury. As we walked, the rain fell. First a sprinkle. Then a downpour. And finally, we saw it. It was disgusting. Repulsive beast. It could barely maintain its own weight. It was a gigantic blob of black tentacles and sludge. Its mouth was closed horizontally, and it had one eye. I drew my blade, and crouched down. It hadn't saw us yet. I beckoned for my friends to do the same.

"Alright men, this is it. I know that things haven't been easy, and I know that it's been rough. But now, WE END THIS! Through thick and thin, we've stuck together. And now, we fight as one. Now, men, on my signal, we strike. Ready... NOW!

I charged my cannon attachment for a power attack. Like lightning, it fired a powerful blast into the beasts body. Xylos let out a blood curdling screech. The others fired too, as I advanced in for my blade. The blade shot out of its sheath and I stabbed it into Xylos. I drew my gun, as did the others, and fired an entire clip into it. The beast grabbed my foot and dragged me into he air.

"Eat magic gold, you  big black bastard!"

I fired some more, and it let go. The beast writhed in agony, and collapsed. We... HAD WON!

"That was surprisingly easy!" I yelled.

"Hoorah!" We all yelled.

Hey guys, I'm back. I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for the delays and I'm sorry for being gone for a while, but this story is almost over, so I'm just about done. See you in the next chapter.

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