Chapter Nine-Taking Them Down

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Hey guys, welcome back! So, yeah... It's great to be back. Anyway, this is where the big turning point of the Arc is revealed. Either this one, or the next chapter. At least I hope so. In this one, Luke and Kidd arrrr... (Bad pun) going to try and take out the Pirates. I won't let you know what happens, so go ahead and read. Bye!!!

I awoke to find that Kidd had set up an obstacle course.
"Mornin' Luke. We're gonna test out that new power of your's."
"You mean my Instinct?"
I explained my dream, and the person I saw.
"Interesting... Tell me, have you seen that man before?"
"Perhaps. He seems to be an old memory."
Kidd stood up and began walking toward the pirate cave.
"What about the course?"
"Bullocks to the course! What better test than in actual combat?"
The bastard had finally lost it.
"You're nuts if you think I'm ready!"
"Oh, shut up! Big baby. Are you a man or a mouse?"
"Fine. But you're still a loon."
"Whatever. Now that we have your power, we can't possibly lose."
We ventured through the dense forest until arriving at the cave.
"Well Mister Chosen One, lead the way." Kidd jested.
"Like hell I will, you're the one who brought me here!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Am not!"
"Are too!"
"Wow. You argue like children."
In unison, we looked to the source of the third voice in horror.
"Hola, dipshits. You think you could evade me? And to think that you almost had the jump on me. But what to do with ya?"
"Set us free and forget you ever saw us?" I suggested.
"Help us leave?" Kidd asked.
"Nah... I'd rather... Kill you and hang you on my wall. Ahahahahahahahahaha!!!!!"
My Instinct kicked in. I saw everything. In moments, he would draw a pistol, and execute us both. Not an enjoyable outcome. Within seconds, I drew my gun and pointed it to him.
"Nice one!" Kidd cheered.
"What? Are you going to shoot me?"
I pulled the trigger, accidentally shooting him in the crotch.
"Gah!" He exclaimed.
"Lucas! The hell, man? You don't shoot someone in the dick!"
"What else was I supposed to do!? Let him kill me?"
"Don't shoot him there! Apologize."
"What!? No!"
"Well, way to go asshole."
"Are you serious, now?"
"Yeah, man."
"Screw it, I'm going in." I walked into the cave.
"Hey! Wait! You're lucky that you didn't run into Mica, their leader."
I led Drake to the central chamber.
"Hola, señors Arin and Kidd. We've been expecting you."
"Really!?" Kidd's face lit up. "Are you psychics?"
"No you idiot! We just heard you shoot that idiot!"
He walked over to us and began a discussion.
"So, what brings you to our humble abode?"
"Well, you know, adventure. Just passing through.  Kicking your asses."  Kidd answered.
"Drake, NOT HELPING!" I half whispered, half yelled.
Mica drew his gun, and pointed it at me.
"Eenie ,meeny, miney, YOU!"

Well, I'm gonna just make this a part 1, so I can publish it already. Honestly, I've spent so long on this one. Sorry about the cliff hanger. *Screams from the crowd* I know, I know, I'm an asshole. But still, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Papyrus out, NYEH HEH HEH!!!

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